Hello everyone and thanks for asking how I've been doing. Can you believe I haven't blogged in six weeks? I'm glad you didn't forget about me. It's like I've been in hibernation. My mom has been just too busy doing other allegedly more important things to help me blog. Same with my dad. So I am going to try and catch up on what's been going on with everyone this spring - I am looking forward to it!
Here's what's been going on with my family.
I have been super-itchy, as usual for the spring. But now I am having these baths every three or four days, which is REALLY no fun, but they do help. I have more energy when I'm not so itchy. I've gotten a couple emails asking about my allergies - I will respond ASAP and maybe I will do a post about it too, very soon.
I just got my haircut for the summer. My groomer remembered that I had my own website. :) I'm famous!
My mom was not home much for a several weeks. Indiana turned out to be kinda important for this whole presidential campaign, so she volunteered a lot and got to see her candidate at another big rally. And her candidate did pretty well, especially in our town, so she was very happy. She still obsessively reads campaign coverage on the computer though, leaving me very little time to blog.
When she wasn't campaigning, she was running, and I am proud to report that she completed her half-marathon two weeks ago! It took her a REALLY long time to run the race - over three hours! But she achieved her goal and ran the whole way, even if she was super-slow.
Her friend is getting married next week, and she has a sewing project for that. She is making a blouse for the bride to wear under her Indian sari. My mom hasn't sewn in a while, but it's actually turning out pretty well. I try and help her, but she gets upset with me if I step on her fabric.
My dad has been really busy too, but he has been nice enough to bring me to his office with him a lot. He made two trips to North Carolina for interviews with an orchestra there. He made it to the last two finalists, but they hired the "local" guy for the job. But he was happy with how he did and felt more confident afterwards. The good news is that he has been asked to guest-conduct next year for orchestras in Washington, D.C., and Portland, Maine! If you live near there and you want to go see him, let me know and I can send you information about how to get tickets. Also, he is going to Spain for a week in June because he is in a big conducting competition, so keep your paws crossed for him!
We have an exciting trip coming up. Toward the end of June, we are driving out to New England for my auntie's wedding! For the first few days, I am staying at a posh doggie resort called "Puddleby's on the Hill" with my uncle Walter the Weiner Dog. But then my people will come get me and we are all going to the lake in Maine with the big family. I hate swimming in the lake, but I am looking forward to all of the fun.