Lenny died last night after having a stroke. He lived a happy 12 years, 7 of which were shared with our family. He brought us joy and humor every single day.
Thank you to all of Lenny's wonderful DWB friends for some great memories. He is with some of them now.
RIP Lenny, 7/12/1998 - 3/20/2011
Thank you, sweet little buddy
We checked your blog last night wondering what our bud Lenny was up to. We're so sad to hear of your loss. Big hugs to all of you. Thanks for sharing Lenny with us.
Sheps w/Pep, Otis, Edgrr & our ape.
Lenny was such a sweet boy and we will miss him. Our hearts are breaking for you! (((hugs)))
Love ya lots,
Maggie, Mitch and Sue
I am very sad to know about Lenny.
He was a super friend and he lived a very happy life with you.
Thanks for sharing him with us.
Our thoughts are with you.
Take care
Kisses and hugs
I just read about Lenny on Asta's blog. I am so very sorry for your loss ...Lenny sounds like an amazing and wonderful dog. RIP dear Lenny.
Your pal, Pip
We are very sad about Lenny. He was one of our first blogging pals, and we loved sharing adventures with him. Our thoughts are with you, and we hope that we don't lose touch -
terrier kisses
gussie and teka
We are sending you all of our love and hugs and we are all heart broken......We hope he is rolling around in the sweet green grass and chasing tennis balls. Run free sweet little boy...... Love a million kisses Agatha and Archie and PL1+2
I got an email from Butchy and Katie's mom while she was at work today...I must have thought of him and both of you a million times all day...dear sweet Lenny...I loved him...he had the longest leggies and the sweetest face...and looked just like a stuffie...we were honored to meet him snout to snout last summer!
Lenny is with tons of our old friends right now at the Bridge...my last two foxies personally welcomed him, I am sure.
Please please keep in touch...you have a special place in our hearts...
Run free, dear Lenny!!
Tons of hugs and kisses,
Mumsie and Scruffy, Lacie and Stanny
w00fs, what can me say.me is soo sad...Lenny had been a friend of ours for years now, and will miss him..RIP Lenny, run with the wind..
a sad,
hudson furkids
and mama...
Lenny will always be hewe in my heawt.
I will always tweasoowe my special times wif him and look fowawd to the day we awe weoonited. In the meantime, I know he is welcomed by so many of ouw fwiends in heaven.
Keep all the smiles he gave you in youw heawts
smoochie sad kisses
Hi, I just read about Lenny over at Asta's. I am very very sorry for your loss. I can tell how much you loved him and he you.
RIP Lenny. Godspeed.
We just read the news on Asta's blog. We are so sorry to hear about Lenny's passing. He sounded like he was such a good boy. We remember the special Pawlimpics award Lenny gave to Luna which is still on her blog today. We enjoyed reading about Lenny's wirey adventures. Please accept our condolences.
John, Joan, and Luna
We were so sad to read about poor Lenny. Our heartfelt condolences to you. RIP Lenny.
Chef and Linda
Run free beautiful boy - you have earned your angel wings.
We will miss you.
Hugs to your family xoxox
Brooke, Greg, Ping & Benson
Our thoughts are with you at this sad time. Lenny was a very special pal and we will miss him. We know all your happy memories will give you comfort. RIP dear pal.
J1, J2 and Noodles x
Oh no, we are so sad to hear about sweet Lenny.
You are all in our thoughts.
Farewell Lenny, till we meet again.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
We just read about this on Maggie and Mitch's blog. So sorry about Lenny. He looked like a very sweet boy.
Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose
So sorry about sweet Lenny. It was such a pleasure to get to know him in blog world.
Sending love and hugs your way!
I am so sorry that your Lenny has gone!! I know how sad it is when you lose one.
My girl is 13.6 years old next week!! Every day I wonder when something like that is going to happen to Bambi. It is going to kill
me!! Some say go out and get another dog right away but so far I have not been able to do that. It takes time for me to grieve. I am truly sorry for your lose!!
I'm so sorry to hear about Lenny's passing. He will be missed!
- Charlie
I'm so sorry for your loss of Lenny. My sincerest condolences to you & your family.
We didn't know Lenny but we see from his friends Asta, Maggie and Mitch that he was one very special boy. Godspeed, sweet Lenny and hugs to his family from us.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We came back to check on you...those pix of Lenny on Asta's blog brought back so many memories...the Pawolympics...Lenny's smile...and his legs...those long lovely legs...
We know there was a party in Heaven this week welcoming him...
Scruffy, Lacie and Stanny
We were away for a few days and just saw this sad news. Lenny was one of our earliest pals -- and you know how much we cherished his name and his namesake!!!
We -- and our Mom -- are sending you love to help heal the wounds from his departure -- but we know he'll be having a ball with all of his foxy and other friends across the Bridge.
It's rough to lose such a dear furry companion, especially such a clever boy as Lenny. The PawOlympics was one special event that we will always cherish!!!
Wirey love, Jake, Just Harry, and Mom, Joan
We were away for the weekend and read about Lenny on Asta's blog. We are so sorry for your loss. We will never forget the pawlympic pictures you made for us.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
We will miss you, Lenny! Go look for Pockets and Poppy and they will show you around the Rainbow Bridge! We're also sending big hugs to your peeps!
Penny & Patches
We are so sorry Lenny has crossed to the Rainbow Bridge. We lit a candle for him and sat and remembered the fun time we had at the Pawlympics.
Run free Lenny.
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
we were so sorry to read about Lenny's passing on FB. we are going to miss our little buddy. we always had special affections for Lenny.
you gave him a wonderful life. we are so sorry for you loss. we will look for a special bright star in the sky.
sad sad woofs
Are you guys OK?? We stopped by to check...we know you're missing Lenny...we are too!!
Love to all!
Lacie, Scruffman and Stanny
Pee ess...we're on your fridge? DO NOT BLAME ME IF FOOD IS MISSING. That would be the boyz...obviously I am a tiny delicate thing and would never go for you cheese...(Lacie looks dreamy and thinks of cows...)
we came to paw our respects, soft husky woooos,
RA & Isis
You know. Our blogaversary is today. Two years. It's hard to believe. We remember being overwhelmed by the wonderful dogs (and cats and families) that we met. Lenny among them. We never had any idea how much like family they would all become. When a dog (or kitty or human) passes, it's like one of our own family that leaves us. Just as we enjoy the good times, we grieve for the sad.
We hope you are beginning to feel some comfort in the memories that you will always have with Lenny. Like we suggested earlier, take time to jot down all ... and we mean ALL ... of the little quirks and memories of him. Challenge yourself to remember yet one more, and write it down. Keep adding to the list for the next several weeks and months. Years from now you will have ALL the memories at your fingertips ... and it will be as if he is there with you. As he is. In your hearts.
We are so sad ... and now we are going to cuddle up with Moma as she pulls out the list of memories of Kizzy and Molly before us.
Much love
Jake and Fergi and OurMoma, too
I am so sad for you and the tragic loss of precious Lenny. I have that wonderful photo of him with his furry stuffed friends and I have to say it's my all time favorite photos.
I lost one of dear smooths last year and I know the intense grief of your loss. Know that many all over the world are sending love your way tonight.
Cindy Morris
Noooooo. Poor Lenny and you his leggeds. My little heart is heavy with sadness, I love my long leggeded rectangular cousin and will never forget him.
All of us in square dog house are sending squillions of wiry love over the big pee to comfort you.I put it on nice white fluffy cloud so you'll see it floating near heaven and know we sent it for you.
Run free dearest Lennie.Wiry love Eric xxxxxxxxx
We're so sorry ta hear of Lenny's passing......we only heard about it today....we will miss him and I'm sure you will too.....if you feel like setting up a memorial page for him there are free sites where you can do that...
May we meet someday at the Rainbow Bridge....
Dewey Dewster here......
been a long time, but recently we learned today what happened to Lenny. He has given us very sad, very sorry.
Even his photo, I send to our Verdi, hanging from our tree of friends, and stay there with a picture of Verdi
Thanks for sharing with us Lenni and gracis for having known for his blog.
I'm sure that when I cross the rainbow Lenni, my Verdi was waiting to play with him.
a big hug
Verdi's jefa, Gaucho and now Pampita
what can me say.me is soo sad...Lenny had been a friend of ours for years now, and will miss him.Challenge coins
Lenny sounds like an amazing and wonderful dog. RIP dear Lenny.
. Challenge coins
Happy Birthday, angel Lenny! We hope that you and Maggie are sitting side by side and eating a huge chocolate ice cream cone! We miss you, buddy ♥
Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly
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Who is Lenny, and what happened to him according to the provided information? and How long did Lenny live, and how many years was he a part of the family?
Regard Telkom University
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