Hello everyone! I just wanted to remind you that if you want to get a really cool Paw-Limpics t-shirt, please visit
http://www.cafepress.com/dwbpawlimpics! You can get a t-shirt like I have or something for your human, like a t-shirt, mug, or tote bag. All of the proceeds will go to the
Search Dog Foundation, which is the favorite charity of our Judges G and R. Maybe it's a good way to commemorate your win in an event! You can wear your shirt with pride. :) I am going to wear my shirt this evening because my friend Rosie is coming over, and it never hurts to make a good impression on the ladies, right?
Hey Lenny,
I know you just visited -- but come back to see what we just posted!!!
Jake and Just Harry
OMG we got a gold!! Thank you so much.. We are so honored and thank you Lenny for all your hard work in the contest. We love participating..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
You look amazing with the tee Lenny!
hi Lenny, we just ordered 2 t-shirts for us. we can't wait to get them and show them off. they are really nice looking shirts.
OH MY! OH MY!!!!! I can't wait to tell my friend Izzie that we won a GOLD!!!!! (Lacie blushes and turns a deep shade of red, contrasting nicely with her blond highlights...) She really was the most fab syncho swimmer...she's a retriver ya know...
Lenny...Mumsie just ordered a pawsome pawlimpics mug for her morning tea and pm hot chocolate!!!!!!! Thank you so much for posting the web site...we went before, but it was down or something!!!!!
You are just the best, Sweet Len!!!!!
Love and kissies...
Well you must say pal YOU HAVE DONE A FABULOUS job with the pawlympics!!! We (well the PL's) have their shirts and a bag( we just can not wear shirts..we just tak ethem off...) A GOLD MEDAL TO THE CEO!!!!! WOO HOO!! Love A+A
I can't wait to check out the pawlimpics stuff again and ask mom to buy me something. I hope they have pug-size!
Love Clover xo
It's a pawsom shiwt!!
and you look gweat in it!!!
I'm suwe youw visitow will be impwessed!
do you know how long the shiwts will be available??Mommi says I'm not allowed to buy anything at the moment..booohooo
smoochie kisses
Hi Lenny, you look really great in the tee!
Nice shirt, Lenny!
By the way, just wanted to tell you that I got the Best Blogger Friends award and I'm passing it on to you guys! Visit my blog to find out more!
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