Thursday, November 15, 2007

My cool trick!

Hopefully I've made this work and posted a video of my coolest trick - GET THE LIGHTS! My people ask me to do this when they're in bed reading and too lazy to get up and turn out the lights themselves. They rigged up a little pull-rope with one of my stuffies attached to it. I pull on the stuffie, the light goes out! The other night I turned out the lights without being asked - I was ready for bed even if they weren't!

(Sorry it's a little blurry - my mom took the video on her cell phone.)


Joe Stains said...

that is genius!! you are pawesome, Mom can barely get us to sit!

Faya said...

Great Job ! You are the best !
Kisses, Faya

Dean-O! said...

Are you working on the Double Click?
That should get their attention ':¬}

Duke said...

OMG, Lenny! You are too smart! You get weekly allowance, right?!

Love ya lots,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Whoa, Len! Amazing!!!
Hey, poker Friday nite...girls allowed...harumph...

Asta said...

OMdog Lenny
I had no idea you wewe so vewy talented! That is tewwific..I can't do any twicks at all..maybe someday I'll come fow a couwse with you
smoochie kisses

Gus said...

Oh wow!I am so impressed. There are lots of nights that the humans read and read. I wanna know how to turn out lights!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Lenny
That is a cool trick! Sure you are smart! My mom wishes I could do that!
Have a good night

Putter said...

Greatest ever trick Lenny!

Hey thanks for stopping by to say hi!

I will talk to you soon, K?

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Sophie Brador said...

Lenny, You are brilliant! What a great trick. Except now my mom is thinking about how she can get me to do the same thing. Yeesh. Can't wait to meet Gracie!


COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

That is a great trick. Make sure you do that several times in the middle of the night when your parents are making you wear your cone... heeee heee

Kirby said...


You are so smart! Now my Mom wants to teach me that trick. You really know how to earn your keep. Keep up the great work!

Your pal,

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Lenny,
Thanks for signing our guest book. It's ever so good to meet you.
Great trick by the way. You're a clever chappie.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Wow, Lenny! That's pawsome. I'd probably grab the stuffie and rip it apart and the light cord at the same time! J x

Balboa said...

WOW, that is the COOOOOOLEST trick ever dude!!!!!!!! You should like get an award or money.

Frenchie Snorts

Balboa said...

WOW, that is the COOOOOOLEST trick ever dude!!!!!!!! You should like get an award or money.

Frenchie Snorts

fee said...

omdog, that is way too clever!!! maybe they should "train" you to fetch snacks from the fridge by tying a toy to the handle too! teeheehee!

you're awesome, lenny!


L said...

That's a pretty cool trick, and you are so smart to do it. I'm not going to show it to my girl. Otherwise she would think of all sorts of chores for us to do.

William Tell said...

That's such a great trick. The best thing is that you have so much self-control.

Me, I'd be turning them on-off-on-off all the time, just playing tug-of-war.

William Tell