Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The People Olympics

Caught up on all the Pawlimpics news? Are you sad that Michael Phelps' events are over? Need someone to cheer for in the People Olympics tonight?

The men's 400 meter track and field final is on tonight around 9:20 p.m. And one of the Americans in the final is David Neville, who is a recent graduate of the music school where my dad got his degree and where my mom works! So we are cheering for him.

Also, a lot of the Dogs' Choice Award polls are REALLY close, so if you haven't voted yet, let your voice be heard! The winners will be announced on the final day of the Pawlimpics.


Molly the Airedale said...

That's awesome, Lenny! We'll be on the lookout for David Neville tonight! Thanks for letting us know!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

Go Australia Go woooo hoooo woooo hooooo......d'oh.....sigh!!

Noah xx

Asta said...

we will watch and cheew fow David Neville..That's so cool that he's fwom that moosic school
smoochie kisses

Charlie Daniels said...

It's OK Noah ... I'm with you ;-)



wally said...

Wow! That's really cool. We'll root for David tonight.

wally t.

the many Bs said...

we have really been enjoying the Paw-Limpics. we have to thank you very much, Lenny, and your mom, for hosting this great event. the human Olympics are okay too, but the Paw-Limpics are the best!


Simba and Jazzi said...

Its so exciting.

Simba x

Nevis said...

I have been sad about all of Michael Phelps events being over. He was HOT!

I'll definatly root for David Neville!