Thursday, January 24, 2008

My new toy and other dogs

I can't remember who it was, but one of my friends blogged about their cool toy from Canine Genius, and I immediately knew I needed one too! So my mom ordered one for me. It's the blue thing in the picture that looks like a bowling pin. When you roll it around, TREATS come out! It's amazing.

My mom had to go to the post office to pick it up for me. Unfortunately, there is a big sign that says dogs aren't allowed in the post office. The mailman noticed that it was addressed to "Lenny" and started to give my mom a hard time about it! She explained that I was her dog and that I am in fact a Canine Genius. He let my mom sign on my behalf. He wanted to know what kind of dog I was, and then he wanted to tell my mom all about HIS dog - a Pomeranian. He was quite proud because the dog's photo had been selected for a dog picture calendar (not the Dogs With Blogs calendar).

While my mom was out doing errands, she decided to go to Barnes & Noble. Keeley's mom Erin had posted about this book, and when my mom saw the picture, she had to go find it. It has a fox terrier right on the cover! She was thrilled because our Barnes & Noble also had it, in the bargain aisle.

When my mom brought it up to the register to pay for it, she got all chatty and gushed about how excited she was to get the book, because it looked just like ME on the cover. The cashier asked if I was a fox terrier. It turns out that she has an Airedale! She informed my mom that Airedales look similar to fox terriers...(um, thanks! We knew that.)

It's nice that people are so proud of their dogs, I think.


Asta said...

Oh Lenny
You awe so lucky..That toy looks pawsome and I wanted that book too, bit Mommi's been sick and didn't go to twy and find it, and now it's pwobably too late..I love the covew!!!
Btw Lenny, The weason we wewe shopping and pwimping was so we could look spectacoolaw fow you and the othew guys at the pawty at Gussie's
I hope you'll be thewe..and then thewe is the valentine's pawty at Koobies house awe you coming I hope????
smoochie kisses

Peanut said...

What a neat toy. It is nice that people love their dogs so much. At least it means they probably have great homes.

Lacy said...

woofies Lenny...all hoomans shood b proud of der baby furkids..and me luvs ur new will haff to seed iffin my mama will git me one too....

b safe,

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

That looks like a cool toy. You should have just put your paw print on the thing they wanted signed. That would have shown that silly postman...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Duke said...

What a cool toy! I'm thinking that we may need one of those too!
Let us know how your mom loves the book, okay, Lenny?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Simba said...

Pawesome! You are one lucky dude!! HM's been debating about getting me the Canine Genius toy...hmmmm...

also...tell your mum to check out this site:

nice tips and inspiration!!



the many Bs said...

hi Lenny, that does look like a cool toy. we have one that treats come out of, but it doesn't look anything like that. we hope you like it. we love ours.

our mom notices that people like to talk about their dogs a lot. everyone has a dog story, even if they don't have a dog. and they seem to have a lot of dog opinions also. they especially like to have opinions about poodles - some good, some not so good. it wears mom out to try to spread the truth about poodles.


Amber-Mae said...

Hey, that toy sounds like a fun toy but rubber toys are never my type...Did you manage to get all the treats out?

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Stanley said...

Lenny, Lenny!

I'm sure you're way advanced for the doggie genius toy, but enjoy the treats anyway!

Isn't it funny how much the hoomans will talk to each other if it's about dogs when otherwise they might not even look at each other or say a word to one another?? Like my girl says, dogs bring the world together.

(Personally, I think presidential candidates should have to campaign with their dogs so we can see them interact with them. That would tell us a LOT).

Goober love & smooches,

Pee Ess
Glad your mama got that book!

Gus said...

Genius Huh? Do you know how to get the treats into the toy too? I am good at getting treats out of my kong, but when I try to put them in, they keep disappearing.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Lenny!
Your mom got a very nice toy for you! Is it fun to play with it?
The same happens at our postal office here, but the people there thinks she is crazy!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

Thank you fow the compliment..I hope to see you at the pawty at Gussie and Joe's and demonstwate fow you
smoochie kisses

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Lenny, is that toy Jackson-proof? I doubt it! Hehehe! Your book looks nice. Are there lots of lovely WFT pictures inside? J1 is always blabbing on to people about me and the joys of WFTs. At work she's got lots of photos of me (and the Xmas one of you!) and it always gets people talking. J x

Anonymous said...

That is such a cool idea what your mum has done with your crate!

And a toy that gives out treats is always a winner in my book!!!


Simba and Jazzi said...

What a great toy. The postmen don't seem to want us to have our post do they.

Simba xx

Urban Smoothie Read said...

thanks for introducing the cool toy to us... i shld get my owner to order one for me right away...

Unknown said...

Hey Lenny! Hows your new toy? Do you like it? It looks totally pawsome, and blue is sooo cool!

I don't know why the postman gave your mom a hard time when he is also a doggy person...he should be so proud to have met the mom of 'Lenny'!! :)


Asta said...

Thanks fow the toast and suppowt!!
I wish I had a whole hooge houseful of wiwes as bwuddews and sissys, but we don't have thespace ow money Mommi says, so this will have to do..anyway, I'm vewy lucky , cause I have so many gweat fwiends like you!

I see you and youw Mom awe doing well on youw wunning!!let me know if she needs any cheewing
smoochie kisses

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Lenny,
You look pretty pleased with yourself getting a new toy, especially one that spills treats. How good is that!!!
So glad that the post office man let your mum to pick up your parcel.
It's great when people talk about their dogs. It's a loved dog!!!!

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Joe Stains said...

I can't believe that treats come out of that toy and we don't have one. What is wrong with our Mom!!!

William Tell said...

My Mom is proud of us, too, and is always telling people about us. I think it's great when families love their doggies!

~William Tell

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Lenny! I just sniffed your blog! Your new toy looks so cool! I need one too!


Girasol said...

That's a cool toy!!
Have a good time taking out each treat.

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh Lenny,we must have that toy!!1 Where did your Mom get it???A belated congrats on your award!!!!!Can't wait for the Super Bowl Party! Love A+A

Princess Patches said...

Hi Lenny, boy we need to get our parents to find us one of those toys! We are in great favor of anything that dispenses treats!

Poppy & Penny

COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

I am going to tell Mother to go and purchase that book immediately. Then, I will tell Katherine to go suck her toe, as my breed is on the cover. We are the best, as you know, Lenny!

Kirby said...

Hi Lenny,

I've got to get me one of those toys. I'm seeing them everywhere. Let me know about their chewability. Mom is tired of me killing off all my toys. So glad your Mom got the WFT book. Even better, so cool it was in the bargain aisle! BTW: we went running this morning, 3.2 miles. We are slowly improving our distance and time!

Your pal,

Dory the Lab said...

Wow Lenny -

That toy does look awesome, but I just don't get the post office rules - we want eaqual rights to go in and leave our paw marks for our packages.

Anyhow, cool book too - hope you and your family have a great week!!


L said...

That toy looks like fun. We love all of our treat toys. Are yougoing to go around pawtographing copies of the book?
Comet and BLU

Hammer said...

Hi Lenny
Your new toy looks real cool. I especially like the treats part.
We are lucky coz our post-hoomans are very nice and they know I receive lots of mail. They won't let me into the postshop though. It is great the hoomans love us so much, but this is the way it should be.
Love from Hammer