I love your blog - Balboa! Your weekly photo caption contest is a riot, and you are just one cool dude. I also think it's great that you raise money for French Bulldog Rescue on your website.
I love your blog - William Tell! You are a fine-looking wire, quite handsome indeed, and you take such good care of your shy little sister Glynn. I think that's great.
And, I love your blog - Axel! Your blog is humorous, and clever, and I like how you use your wiry ways for the good of the world and social justice.
Wow, there are so many blogs that I love and I am grateful to all of my buddies for their friendship.
We love your blog, Lenny! You and your hoomans are sure a talented bunch!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey pal, congrats on your award. I love your blog too! Jx
We love your blog too, Lenny! And we love your choices of the next blog award's recipients. They all have cool blogs!
Scruffy and Lacie
Thank you very much, Lenny. I'm honored! I love your blog, too!
William Tell
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