I was kind of a bad dog this weekend. Have you ever seen one of these little packets? I ate one.

Yes, I see the warning labels now. It just smelled really tasty so I scarfed it down before my mom could get it out of my mouth. She was really upset and worried and they had to "make" me sick with hydrogen peroxide to get it out of my stomach. (My vet hospital was already closed, and my humans don't trust the emergency vet hospital in town.) And then my mom worried that some sort of weird chemical reaction would happen in my stomach with the H2O2. So as I was barfing up blue stuff (VERY GROSS - sorry!) my dad was searching the internet to learn about the packets. It turns out that it's probably not too bad that I just ate one of them, but it's definitely not a good idea to eat a bunch of them, according to the
ASPCA. Don't do it!

I felt pretty yucky that night. But my mom was glad it was out of my system. And I felt fine pretty quickly.
My mom learned the hydrogen peroxide method from a nice vet nurse on a hotline she called on one of my other snack adventures.
(Lenny's mom here: I think you're supposed to use it only if the dog eats something that could cause a blockage, like candle wax in this case, or if it's immediately after the dog has ingested something that could be very harmful if digested. But always check with your vet first!)I've had a few other delicious adventures; I've earned a little bit of a reputation for being a snack sleuth and sniffing out tasty treats wherever they might be. Nothing on the kitchen counter is safe, not even sitting on top of the microwave. (My long legs have even helped me get on TOP of the counter!) My nana always has to "Lenny-proof" her kitchen before I come visit. I can even get Tupperware open (leaving a few teeth marks), get over tall chairs, and open zippers to get what I want.
My mom was trying to make a list of all the things I've eaten that I shouldn't have, and she couldn't even remember all of them, but this is what she came up with:
Digital camera (teeth marks)
Cell phone (teeth marks)
My dad's conducting baton
Scented candles
Crock of margarine
M & M's
Dark chocolate candy bar
Milk chocolate/nuts candy bar
Lindt truffle chocolates
Reese's Peanut Butter cups (small size, but many of them)
Coffee grounds
Chewing gum
Breath mints
Plastic bag
Stuffing from my toys
Fish food
Cat food
Doo-doo - goose variety
Doo-doo - deer variety
Dead mouse
English muffins (my FAVORITE)
Jigsaw puzzle piece
Mayonnaise packets (I sucked the mayonnaise out)
Heh heh, she doesn't even KNOW about some of the stuff I've eaten! I guess I'm lucky I haven't gotten too sick, especially with my chocolate cravings. Anyway, be careful out there, and always read the labels of what you're about to eat!