Thursday, October 4, 2007

Happy Birthday Butchy!

OK, I think I am all packed up for the trip to Butchy's slumber party tomorrow. Since we are camping, I am bringing my warm cozy blanket. Maybe Miss Snickers or Maggie or another lovely terrier will want to snuggle with me. How could anyone resist that smile of mine? Ladies?

And just in case no one will snuggle with me, I might feel lonely and homesick, so I'm bringing my little stuffed buddy just in case.

But I think it will be a very good time and fun to see all of my friends. I'm ready to board Aire Ruby and head off to Iowa!


Duke said...

I'll snuggle with you Lenny!!!! I just love your smile! You can leave the stuffy at home, okay?

Love ya lots,

Asta said...

I'm available fow snuggles too..all the giwls can take tuwns..I think you packed vewy wisely..and I love youw stuffy fwiend!
see you thewe! I think we'll have a gweat won't get a chance to be home sick...think of all the stowies you'll have fow youw pawents
smoochie kisses

Mango and Party said...

Hi Lenny,

Just popping by to say hi to ya. What a gorgeous smile you have!

Wiry loves,
Mango & Party

Agatha and Archie said...

Are you kidding?? The girsl will be lined up outside your tent to snuggle!!! (Agatha will be first she says) Love A+A

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

With that smile I think you'll be fighting off the ladies! J x

Patty Nason said...

You're a good friend, Lenny! I'm sure Butchy and Snickers are going to have a pawesome birfday pawty!


Asta said...

You suwe a we a gweat snuggler!!!!
I enjoyed ouw time togethew at Butchy's pawty..I just love youw long tewwier legs!
hope you'we wested up fow the next bash at Koobuss..etc,'s birfday!
smoochie kisses

Sophie Brador said...

Great smile Lenny!


Stanley said...


Your little stuffy friend was pretty lonely at the party... seeing how many girlpups snuggled with you, that stuffy didn't stand a chance!

Good to see you at Butchy's!

Goober love,