My dad is under the impression that somehow, I jumped on top of his desk, opened two fish food containers with screw-top lids, and ate all the fish food.
Now, I ask you, why would I eat fish food? I am not a fish. Those bite marks are clearly from the clownfish. Obviously, the fish jumped out of their tank and emptied the containers, then jumped back in.
My dad has been taking me to work this week, and yesterday I went to a (BORING) marketing meeting. He has two fun offices, one with lots of stairs, and one with a big long hallway. It's really fun to run around there. Back when we lived in New Hampshire, our apartment door opened up into a huge long hallway, and after I had a bath, I would run up and down the hall faster than lightning! There were two little boys who lived down the hall from us, and when they heard my paws pounding, they would stick their heads out the door. They had just moved to America and they had cute little accents - they would always cheer me on: "GO Linny GOOOO!" If I tried to go over and say hi to them, they were kind of afraid of me, so I just kept doing laps, and they kept cheering for me. I miss those boys and my nice long hallway!

Ugh, those fish are NO GOOD!! We know you're completely innocent.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
We totally believe you, Lenny! Why would you want to eat fish food?! YUK!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Lenny: We believe in your innocence, and will contribute to the "Free Lenny Defense Fund" if needed.
pee ess..Teka wants to know if it was hard work getting the lids off?
Why do the peeps always think we do the bad things that happen around the house? We know it wasn't you, we'll be character witnesses if you need 'em.
Murph and Reilly, who are ALWAYS innocent.
I think you should come to my house..I have a long zoomie hallway!
Congwatulations on youw awawd!!
I can't believe those nasty fish fwaming you like that, and why would youw Dad evew suspect you???I just don't undewstand..I agwee with Gussie I would contwiboote to youw defense fund
smoochie kisses
Clown fish are the WORST. They are sneaky! I am sure that THEY ate the food. I mean, why would YOU eat fish food?!! It is completely unappetizing! You better watch out for those fish. They are trying to frame you.
You better contact some forensic CSI type of dogs to check it out and clear your name.
those darn fish. they will do anything to get an innocent dog in touble.
Uh now we have to worry about Fish framing us. What is this world coming to.
Hi, Lenny!
I know you are innocent! If you want we can talk with your Dad!
I think you miss your after bath dancing!
Kisses and hugs
woofies Lenny, hmmm dats kinda likes when mama and daddy leave me and i jus up on mamas puter chair...wuznt me dat spilled dat drink...anyways she shooda moved it...or dat nasty ashtray, her nos dat dr told her to quit...we boff need doglawyers....
b safe,
Hey count us in on the defense fund!!!(tee hee tee hee the clown fish..you crack us up!! LoveA+A
Ahh, Lenny, that's a cool story of the 2 young boys and i bet they still think about you and smiles come to their faces...and i would wager that they miss you too.
every little boy needs a dog, my son did.
ick ack fish food? I like fish, but not fish food, ptooey. Did you give any suggestions in the meeting?!
wow! u went to work with ur dad... how cool is that...
n u even know how to open the food container...bravo lenny....u shld teach me too....
So fish are evil too. The list of evil animals out to get us keeps getting longer.
Simba xx
I bet that meeting was so so so booooring! It's even nothing about dogs! But sooo kewl that you're allowed in the office. I love the loooong corridors too! I've never lived in an apartment before but we went to A'Famosa in Selangor & we stayed in a Condotel. The corridor was sooo fun & slippery! When we barked, it was sooo loud!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I think that fish frame you because he wants you out of the picture so he can take over your blog.
Keep and eye on that fish!
That was nice of your dad to take you to the office.
Bad, bad fishies! We know you would never eat fishie food. Congratulations on your award. You totally deserve it!
Poppy & Penny
Fish food? Never tried it myself but I'm sure it might be quite tasty! Not that you'd know, of course, because you're TOTALLY INNOCENT! J x
We have a betta named Fluffy, and he is really quite unscrupulous. Really, the fish tales I could tell also...but anyone who looked at your face can tell you are so innocent!
William Tell
You just can't trust those fish Lenny. Fancy making it look like you did it. That's just not on matie!!!
We like the story of the little boys cheering you on. How cute.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hey Lenny, I love that story about the hallway and the little boys.
I am absolutely certain you have been framed. I can't believe your dad even doubts that for a second.
Cha Cha is probably part Jack Russel, but no one really knows for sure. She is about 45 pounds, so considerably larger than a Jack. Her owner thought she was a Jack when she was a puppy, and then she just kept getting bigger and bigger.
The Jack that is staying with you might be Pitou, which is kind of a term of endearment for a dog ... and apparently, a husband or boyfriend.
Hi Lenny
How was youw week..Did the fish get punished fow fwaming you???
It's so not faiw!!!
Mommi bought some pussy willows today, to help pwetend it's spwing, hehehe
smocchie kisses
Hi Lenny, if Winston (or the other pup) comes to live with us, we will change his name to something starting with a P. If it's one of the boys, we are thinking of Peetie like the dog that was on the Little Rascals. We know our doggie won't look anything like the one on the Little Rascals, but that's ok. We are still thinking about it, anyway.
Poppy & Penny
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