Monday, March 3, 2008

Go Mom!

My mom saw this little ad with a WFT at PetCo for some kind of canned pet food. I think ALL WFTs should be allowed to sit at the dinner table!

Thanks everyone for your support - my mom finished her 10K! Congrats Mom! I am glad she is home from Ohio. She said she saw lots of dogs while she was out canvassing - a doxie, a westie, a Wheaten terrier, 2 boxers, and a big white poodle.

Tonight she is bringing me to some lady's house to meet Pitou, a Jack Russell terrier. My mom might be dog-sitting for Pitou this weekend.


Gus said...

Yea Mom!!!! What's next, a half marathon? Cute ad, not as cute as you though


Balboa said...

WOOOOOOHOOOOO Lenny's Mom - That's AWESOME!!!!!

I am printing out that add right now, and DEMANDING that I get to sit at the dining room table too!

Frenchie SNorts

Duke said...

Congratulations to your mom, Lenny! That's fantastic!
We Airedales think we should be allowed to sit at the table too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

oh boy another terrier in the house, I hope it works out. I think we should definitely be allowed at the dinner table. and the lunch table. and the breakfast table!

L said...

Great job to your mom! I think you should sit at the table with her after all your support.

Agatha and Archie said...

Congratulations MOM!!!!!! Lenny we need to go somewhere with that ad..I mean we should ALL be at the table!!!! We'll think of a counter ad that will work at getting us there.Love A+A

Peanut said...

yea for your mom. Oh I think all dogs should be allowed at the table.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Lenny!
Congratulations to your Mom!
that ad is great! I hope my mom sees it!
I hope you get along well with that doggie!
Kisses and hugs

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Lenny, congrats to your mum. I expect her success was all down to your training programme!
That ad is cute. I often try and sit at the dinner table but J1 & J2 don't approve for some reason. J x

Girasol said...

you are going to have visit, maybe the put an extra bowl on the table.
have fun!
Congrats to your Mom.

Amber-Mae said...

I wish I was allowed to climb on the table too... Nice ad!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

William Tell said...

Congratulations to your Mom on the marathon run! Go, Team Mom!

Have fun with Pitou this weekend. A Jack Russell and a WFT together? Hmmm...

William Tell

Asta said...

Congwatulations to youw Mom!!
I'm suwe it was you coaching that helped hew in this achievement!!!

I agwee Lenny, We should all sit at the table!!
My sissy Nora(who is in heaven now) used to sit on the dining chaiw when she saw the table set fow dinnew..I have to stawt doing this.

I love that birfday hat too!
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

Hi Lenny,

Mom WISHES she could find time to carve all the spoons she wants to but her workshop time is very limited! We'll see what we can do! Be very patient, okay? I know that's a very hard word for us Terriers to understand!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Frasier said...

Hi Lenny
Good for mom!
Mommy was gunning for a half marathon this year but looks like she may be sidetracked as she is going home for her brothers wedding

Frasier said...

PS:Mommy has a nike+ profile too but has not gone public with it.She just finished 109 miles on Monday.(Road runs only)

the many Bs said...

that's a cute advertisement. we think all dogs should eat at the table.

good for your mom on her accomplishment. that's terrific. do you get to be her jogging partner?


Urban Smoothie Read said...

great to hear that u going to have a furry fren over to ur house for the weekend...enjoy

Kirby said...

Hi Lenny,

YEAH to your Mom! I think she should run the Chicago Marathon this October and you could come and stay with ME!! How fun would that be (for us at least)?
Mom gets my bowser balm at Soggy Paws which is a local doggy store. They have a website: Most of their Growl and Meow stuff is on sale this month! Mom and I highly recommend a bunch of their products. I use the bowser balm, the foaming face wash (to get rid of the crusty fur I get from eating bones) and the moisturizer. They all have a nice smell and are totally animal friendly! Growl and Meow also has a website where you can check out their full line of products: Hope you get to try them out!

Your pal,

Noah the Airedale said...

Congrats to your mum Lenny. What a champion.
Have fun playing with Pitou.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

Wow, that is great for your Mom, Lenny.

I think we should be able to sit at the table. AFter all, we are quite civilized!

Hammer said...

Hi Lenny
We aren't allowed to sit at the table tho Hobson and I jump up on the table when there is food to eat but mum says this is bad manners ????
Love from Hammer

Simba said...

Yaaay Mom!!! Good job! Wasn't so bad was it!!

It would be nice to sit at the table wouldn't it! BOL!

