This Friday night, my people were up in Indianapolis overnight, so I stayed with my new buddie Rosie, who is a Lhasa Apso mix. Rosie's mom works with my mom and she invited me to come stay with them.
My mom had to go around Rosie's house and find all the things I would inevitably be able to find and eat before she would leave me. It was like a treasure hunt!
Another big old lab named Zeus stayed there too. The three of us are all "senior" dogs and we got along quite well. Rosie has a nice fenced-in backyard, and when we came in from outside, we always got a treat!
Rosie's mom even let me sleep in her bed. I was very comfy on the pillows. If my people let me sleep in bed, it's usually down at their feet. This was much better!

Rosie and I got along so well, that we decided to create our very own new sport: synchronized napping! Note the precision! The elegance and grace!
So I had a great weekend. My mom did too - she ran a 15K on Saturday! She had to walk mile 7, but she was proud of how she did. And she got to see her favorite presidential candidate in person - check out her blog if you're interested. She was very excited. But really my weekend was better. Treats, pillows, friends - my new camp!
PAWESOME!! You do look comfy!
What a cutie Rosie is and what a nice camp this is! It's kind of like a slumber pawty!
Congratulations to your mom on her 15K!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wow that's great news. It's great having somewhere nice to stay.
Congrats to your mum too.
How old are you Lenny?
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
woofies and burfs lenny...wowzers u shure had fun..dat rosie iz a cutie and zeus iz a handsome boy too...congrats to ur mama...mayb u will git to stay at rosie sum more...
b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu ;)
I see you had a great weekend! I like the synchronized napping with Rosie.
Oh we wish we had that here!The synchronized napping is going to be on the Olympics...are you entering???? Love A+A
Rosie sure is a cutie, hee hee. Great pictures! You look so cozy!
H Len.. Sorry, we have been busy and haven't commented on your blog for --- ever.
Your new camp looks like fun. And, look. . . synchronized sports in the form of napping. How very cool. My sisters and I will have to try that out, as well!!!
BTW, my mother and auntie are training to WALK the mini marathon next year up in Indy. We are our mom's personal trainers. WE took a tip from you!
ahhh your life is good! sounds like a great home away from home!
Hi, Lenny!
Congratulations to your mom!
Looks like you had a great weekend! Glad you got along well with Rosie. And... what about the big bed?? Its great, isn't it?
Kisses and hugs
You are so lucky to have a friend to stay with. I get dumped in kennels.
Simba xx
hey Lenny, excellent job on sleeping on the pillows. that's our favorite too. and excellent job to your mom on her 15k. she is doing really well with her running. do you still get to train with her?
we think it's very cool that she got to see Obama. our mom likes him too.
Well if your people have to go away...that looks like a great way to pass the time waiting for them!
Tell your Mom Congrats from us on the race.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
Hey Lenny..you on Dogster?? Check out this link..I think you'll like it!!
Gee Lenny, what a nice friend your Mom has to not only invite you to stay but let you sleep in their bed...now that's a great hooman for doggies....hope yer itchies are gettin' better.....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Hope you had a great time at camp!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey Lenny, how nice to have made some new friends. And you get to sleep on the bed too? Cool!
Congrats to your mum on her run and meeting Barack Obama! J x
Boy, that's a pawsome camp, Lenny!
Very cushy!
Poppy & Penny
Hey this sure looks like a nice camp!
Fever and I did synchronized napping once too, and I must say that humans are very approving of this great sport!
Mango & Party
Great. A pawfect weekend Lenny! And I've noticed just how long your legs are in your sychronised swimming, I mean sleeping, I'm green with envy....much easier for counter surfing.
Wiry wags new pal.
Synchronized napping --- I like the sound of that sport!!
- Charlie
That is so great you have an awesome place to stay if need be! Loved the synchronised napping :)
LennyWhat a gwea new fwiend..you'we vewy good at synchwonised napping...and extwemely gwaceful..I expected no less of you
smoochie kisses
Lenny...are ya old?? You look like a young pup so we thought you were like um...two?
You sure looked comfy doin' all that snugglin' with Rosie? Maybe she's more than just a friend??? Many hearts will be broken, Lenny...mine included.
Tell ur mom she rocks...the day Mumsie would run a 15K...or ever run at all would be if a um tsunami was after her or something....
Barkin' at ya Len!!!
What a great place to be able to go to if your mom has to leave you.
Hi Lenny,
We go to camp too -- but it's a little different -- more like boarding at our favorite vet's -- but with lots of nice peope to take care of us.
Sounds like you had a great time.
Mom's from Philadelphia originally, so she's been watching the campaign in Pennsylvania with great interest. Glad your Mom is so active!! It's been a weird ride. Dogs might do better -- a bit of bitey face and it would be done!!
Your new camp looks totally pawsome! I bet you Rosie and Zeus had the best time! Looks like you'll have a wonderful place to stay when Mom and/or Dad are out of time. Wooo Hooh!
Your pal,
if i were u, i would wanna go home...
Whoa! A senior citizens home! I could stay there...I think I could do synchronized napping quite well.
So glad your ma ape got to see Obamarama! I hope he takes the Inbanana! And then the North Carolina! And then we're going to Washington! Yaaaaaaaah! (I was a fan of Dr. Dean. And screaming.).
What a nice bed and breakfast place you've found! It looks very comfortable and friendly. :)
Happy Tails,
William Tell
That is some talented sychronized napping, WOW!
I love sleeping on pillows, they are so comfy.
I hope you helped your apes vote today. I'm sure you did a GREAT job. I'm watching the news to see how the wft vote goes in Indiana. Who will get the superdogegates?
Hey Lenny, where are you? Hope you're doing OK. Miss you pal! J x
Hey Lenny,
We were wondering how our wirey pal was doing!!!
Let us know what's going on -- besides campaigning.
Jake and Just Harry
Where the heck are ya Lenny???
We miss ya man!!!!!
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