Monday, October 13, 2008

Itchy news, as usual

I have fleas. My mom was giving me a bath yesterday and found a couple of them. I am so embarrassed.

The vet says I’m not supposed to use Frontline (because of my skin) unless I actually already have bugs or fleas, but not as a preventative measure. So that strategy is not working so great. I got the Frontline yesterday.
My mom thinks they came from the woods by our new place, and not from staying at the home of my lovely Lhasa Apso lady friend, Rosie, on Saturday night. ;) Hopefully I didn’t give them to her!

I wish I could say that was the reason that I have not blogged in weeks and weeks but it’s not. My whole family has just been really busy and no one helps me on the computer. My mom is all excited about the presidential election and is volunteering and my dad is doing all sorts of musical stuff. I’m really behind on everything and I have no idea what’s going on with my DWB buddies, and I know I’ve missed a bunch of birthdays in the meantime. So I am sorry for that! I hope I can catch up soon.

My grandpa is at the baseball game today! Go Red Sox!
And happy Thanksgiving to all of my Canadian buddies today!


The Black and Tans. said...

Oh dear Lenny, what a nuisance you have a few visitors. Hope the Frontline does the trick and does not casue you any problems.

We are in the same boat as you, hoomans failing to give us the help we need on the computer...hopeless isn't it?

Molly and Taffy

Yogui said...

This humans!!! ever so busy in their affairs...

Dandy Duke said...

Hi Lenny!
What a bummer that you have fleas! We hope the Frontline works for you! Fleas are such a nusance!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus said...

Fleas are a nuisance for sure, for sure.

No apologies necessary...your mom and dad are going important stuff. Tell them thanks for us.

gussie n Teka

Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Lenny

If you bark really loudly will it scare the unwanted visitors away? ;-)

Welcome back :-)



Stanislaw said...

C'mon Red Sox!

Here's a natural flea & tick prevention that I wrote about in my blog:

No chemicals at all. It's 100% essential oils and makes you smell super nice! It's a great option if you don't like Frontline and costs a fraction of the commercial stuff.

Hope your fleas are gone soon!

Joe Stains said...

Sorry about the fleas dude. Don't apologize for not blogging, we know how busy the humans get!

Kirby said...

Lenny! Bummer about the fleas. I hope the frontline works for you. Darn bugs, they suck! I hear you about the humans not helping us with the pooter. I have to beg Mom to get on the computer and blog for me. He're hoping after an Obama victory your Mom has more doggie blogging time. Oh, at one of my local dog stores they have these awesome I heart Obama collars and leashes. I've seen eight different dogs with them on around the city. Dogs for Obama is doing great!!

Your pal,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Lenny!
Glad to "read" you again!
I hope you get rid of those fleas!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

I'm sowwy you have fleas, but it sounds like you got them in a fun place, hehehe..I miss you, but we all get busy times when hoomans can't help us..I'm getting lots of compliments when I walk awound wif my Obamananna ..thanks again
smoochie kisses

Simba and Jazzi said...

Stopping by to say hello to all my DWB friends after the weekend. Hope you are all well.

Simba x

Balboa said...

Sorry about the fleas, I hope Frontline works and doesn't make your skin sick.

Sometimes my parents get really busy too. They just don't realize that we are the CENTER OF THEIR LIVES!!! hee hee

Frenchie Snorts

Lady Kaos said...

Oh no! I hope those stpid fleas go away quick. My mom has been really busy, too. I'm trying to teach mom the importance of a long afternoon nap for stress but she doesn't seem to be paying attention.

Clover said...

Hi Lenny,
Sorry to hear about your itchy news! Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes!
Love Clover xo

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Lenny, don't worry, what's a few fleas between pals? Humans make SUCH a fuss!
J x

PS Is your mum going to order anything from Cath Kidston??? Her stuff is SWELL!

the many Bs said...

hi Lenny, that's a big bummer about those pesky fleas. we hate those itchy little buggers. can you take a pill, like Sentinel?

it sounds like your peeps are very busy. that seems to be the way it is with those humans.


William Tell said...

Oh horror of horrors! Mom found a flea on me last week, too! I've never had fleas before. I'm mortified. Glynn and Cap, however, had no hitchhikers hiding in their hair coats. Why us, then, Lenny? We got Advantix applied at our house when it happened. Right after the B-A-T-H. We'll have to compare notes and see which works best.

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Lenny...

Sorry ta hear about the fleas....Gram just hates ta put pesticides on us...she's tryin' the garlic stuff but always fergets ta put it on our's a sad day when the mind has gone on an extended vacation.......

Dewye Dewster here....

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i hope ticks and fleas can goes into extinction...

Daniella said...

Hi Lenny,
This is Ax's mom who is on vac in South Africa with her fam. Ax and Ron are at home.
Sorry to hear about your flees buddy. I think you should try some natural anti flea rememdies if you can't use frontline, some people swear by them. I don't have the info with me here, so try googling flea + natural remedies. I think garlic is in there somewhere.
HOpe you feel less itchy soon. Having itchies and fleas is not fun at all.
High five to your Mom for her Obama volunteerism. I am wearing my Obama tshirt all over SA and yesterday at a local mall some American democrats were asking people to sign a good luck Obama card to send to the US. But on the whole, US elections and even Obama are not big news items here. I am having serious withdrawl and will wake up at 3am to see the debate tomorrow.
Daniella (Mom of Ax)

DogsDeserveFreedom said...

hi. I just found your blog and was hoping it would be ok if I link mine to yours? sorry to hear about your fleas

Lacy said...

w00f's Lenny, me hopes u gits rid of those ole fleas got some too, but mama cant find them i got lots and lots of thick furs iz behind on everthing too...

b safe,

Toffee said...

Yay to your mom for doing the good work!

How did you respond to your Frontline treatment? Are you feeling better?

COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

Hi Len.... We had fleas too. Annoying lot, aren't they.

Hey, we know about no computer time. we have to wait until our mom is sleeping to get online!

wally said...

Lenny--Tell those fleas to get lost! How rude of them to mooch off you. Your mom is doing important stuff (and I'm sure your dad is too) so you'll have to cut 'em some slack.

wally t.

ps. Go Phillies! (Sorry, hadda say it!)

Peanut said...

fleas are yucky we use fleatreats they work and are natural.

Girasol said...

those fleas will despair soon don't worry, humans overreact sometimes...