Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!


chelsea + apple said...

Happy Howlidays to youz too Lenny!!!

Duke said...

Merry Christmas, Lenny! We hope Santa is generous!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

merry christmas to you too. lenny...
this photo was in our tree of friend..
the jefa love it...
a big hug friend and family

L said...

Merry Christmas Lenny. We hope you are on Santa's "nice" list this year.

Girasol said...

Merry Christmas Lenny, I hope you get lots of treats and gifts and have a Happy New Year.

Wired for Mackie said...

Happy Holiday's, Lenny!

Your pals, Mackie, Ollie and Finnegan

Lady Kaos said...

Merry Christmas Lenny!!

Simba said...

same to you buddy!!



Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Merry Kissmas, Lenny! Jx

Yogui said...

Merry Christmas Lenny

The Musketeers said...

We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,
We wish you a Merry Christmas ,

xoxo ,
Four Musketeers & Family
Lady , Zena , Cody & Joyce

PS : Thanks fur your handmade card !

Lorenza said...

Merry Christmas Lenny!
I wish you and you family the best today and always!
Kisses and hugs

Chef said...

Yappy Howlidays to you too!

Stanley said...

What a GREAT photo, Lenny! You look like you've already been sampling the eggnog.

Have a VERY merry Christmas, man, and pass on some festive goober smooches to your sweet mama & your dad!

Goober love,

Faya said...

Joyeux Noël !
Faya & Dyos

Deefor said...

Hi Lenny
Very Merry Christmas back at you. I got your card! Love it.


p.s. A while ago you said your mom was reading a doggie book my mom read. One of those sad ending books (if you know what I mean) so I hope she liked it.

Amber-Mae said...

Merry Christmas & Happy Howlidays!

Very happy,
Solid Gold Dancer

the many Bs said...

hey Lenny, happy woofers christmas to you too, kiddo. santa is on his way!


Snowball said...

Merry Christmas!


Homer said...

Hi Lenny,

Merry Christmas to you and your family!


Dewey Dewster said...

Aw Lenny....

Ya look super spiffy in yer holiday finest pose.....smilin' too....Gram wishes we would do the same....

Hope ya had a Merry Christmas and
have a Happy New Year too....

Dewey Dewster here...

Agatha and Archie said...

You are just one handsome dude Lenny!!! Hope you had a happy holiday! Love and kisses your pals A+A

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh are the most handsome doggie ever!! We see your gotcha day is comin' up too in a couple of days...we know your family was as happy to have found you as you were to have found them....

Love you buckets, Sweet Dog!!!


Asta said...

I hope you and youw family have a vewy happy, healthy New Yeaw!!1
love you
smoochie kisses

Murphey said...

We just wanted to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Islay said...

Happy Happy New Year - wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2009!

licks & puppy love,

Duke said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Lenny! We hope you have the most special day ever with treats and a pressie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Bella Baby said...

Oh my goodness what a cute picture:)
How is your new year going so far?