The biggest dog in the movie is named Lenny (in between the kids at the top of the poster). Need I say more?
There are some very cool feeding and entertainment inventions for dogs that are the best part of the movie. There is a lot of product placement for Pedigree food, which you might notice, but I think that's okay because they are supposed to be donating some money to help shelter dogs for each ticket sold. The dogs eat Pedigree food, one of the characters wears a "Dogs Rule" t-shirt (their motto) and they even play part of that really sad TV commercial...with the sad-looking shelter dogs saying, "I don't know how I got here...I just want to go home." They always play it during the dog show competitions on Animal Planet. I don't eat Pedigree but I think that's really nice that they're helping shelter dogs.
My mom has been walking shelter dogs on the weekends! I am proud of her but I wish she'd take me along with her. She really smells interesting when she gets home. She is also taking two classes now, so she is super-busy in addition to her job. She finally decided that she is going to try to study to be a veterinarian! I am super-proud of her for that, but I have noticed that she likes to poke and prod me a little bit more than usual. I hope she learns how to be a NICE V-E-T!!! She is ten years older than all of the people in her classes (and older than all of the graduate student associate instructors!) and she is a little stressed with all of her homework. This means I have not been able to catch up on everyone's blogs but I hope to soon.
Way cool for your Mom! You'll be able to tell her how to be the most wonderfulest V-E-T in the world! Tell her we're cheering her on!
That is really awesome that your Mommy is going to be a vet! Maybe my pawrents will go see the movie, thanks for the review!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Lenny, I LOVE V-E-Ts, especially the female kind. Tell your mom she can poke and prod me anytime!
My Boy is excited about that movie and can't wait to see it.
Congratulations to your Mom, too! We think she will make an excellent vet, especially if she has you for a study buddy.
Happy Tails,
William Tell
I'm suwe I will love that movie, and so will my pawents, even though thewe awe no WFTs, hehehat least thewe is a gweat name!
Congwatulations to youw Mom fow wowking so hawd..i bet she'll be a faboolous vet! I bet the sheltew doggies appweciate the walkies she gives them..thank hew fow us
smoochie kisses
Lenny...first tell your mom that we are way proud of her. We think it is great that she is taking some classes. And we might see the movie, but we gotta ask you to go look in the mirror. That dog in the middle of the two hoomans AIN'T Lenny. That is MANGO!
Hi, Lenny!
My mom is waiting for that movie here!
Hurray for your Mom!
I am sure she is going to be a pawesome Vet!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
A nice idea to be a good V.E.T. had your mom. You must encourage her to go on and finish it.
Good luck
Oh wow your very own personal vet...that is fantastic Lenny. Please pass our congratulations onto your mum. We think she'll be a great vet.
D was in tears just looking at the website for Hotel for Dogs so I dont think she'll be able to watch the movie. She is a big sooook. She was sooky even watching Beethoven and that was a comedy.......
That looks like a GREAT movie! We hope we can see it too and this time maybe we can have popcorn!
Your mom will make an awesome vet, Lenny!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Mummy wishes she was a vet, she thinks it save her loads of money.
Simba and Jazzi
I will sure be looking out for that movie!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
hi Lenny, that sounds like a nice movie, but that commercial makes our mom sad.
we are incredbly impressed that your mom is going to be a vet. that is like hard - you have to know science and stuff. we know she will be a very very nice vet.
Your mama is so cool, I'm pawsitive she'll be a GREAT vet... the kind that we pups LOVE to go see. Please give her some goober smooches to help her concentrate on her homework. It's tough going to school when you have to work too.
We want to check out the movie, but as for us, the only Lenny we can picture is YOU, man!
Goober love & smooches,
Lenny - wow! That's soooo fabbie you must be proud. Your Mom is brave to do all that hard work to re-train. And walk the shelter dogs too.
Wiry wags, Eric xx
Hope we get that movie here...
Hi, Lenny!
I love reading your blog.
Those are cute photos.
You looked beautiful
Thanks for the film review Lenny. I think it's pawsome that your mum is doing the vet stuff. If she ever wants to read about me, the medical miracle dog with my 101 ailments, I'll send her my vet notes, hehehehe! Jx
PS Congrats on your placement in the FTN photo contest. You were robbed though, cos that's one of our favourite photos EVER!
That looks like a great movie!
Hi Lenny! Our mom can't wait to see that movie. Our dad...not so much. Congrats to your mom for studying to become a v-e-t! Our mom thinks she would like to do that, but she would be like 200 years older than everyone in her class. Instead, our pawrents willed everything to a veterinary college. There will be a scholarship so people who can't afford to go, can go! We guess that's about the best our mom could do. Good luck to your mom in her studies! BTW, it will be hard to think of Mango as "Lenny"!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Wow, a vet in the family. That will be so cool, Lenny.
That sounds like an interesting movie. Good luck to your mom! I'm sure she'll make a great vet!
hi lenny
here don´t show in this time this film.. we take note about it....
you have something in our blog to you with love...
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