So here's the update. My dad is now more "open" to this whole adoption idea (my mom says it's because she asked St. Francis for intervention!). I don't think he's especially crazy about the idea, but he wants my mom to be happy. However, he is going out of town to guest conduct and will be gone until Sunday. My mom has a big exam and is playing some gigs this weekend. So if we get Eddy, we can't go pick him up until Sunday afternoon, realistically, to make sure he gets a good start with us. Dad said we could go see him on Sunday. My mom went and visited Eddy on Friday, and then went back again today at lunch time to walk him. It turns out someone has now applied to adopt Eddy!!!! My mom was crushed. However, that person has not decided 100% if they want to adopt him or not. So we are waiting to hear.
Eddy Rocket was "dog of the week" on all of the shelter posters around town and he was on the local cable-access TV show "Pets Without Partners," so he has been getting some good publicity.
Lots of drama and no news!! But thank you for the advice!!!
I hope y'all get him! I also hope your Mommy does good on her exam!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Mom says add a dog to the pack is an important decision and one that takes lots of thought and can't be rushed!
Eddy sure is cute!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Eddy is truly a cutie. We hope all works out for all of you. At least you guys have a choice.
Great for Eddy!
Hurray for all Eddy's in this world looking for homes!!!
I am so happy you were also hoping to get Eddy! If you do get Eddy, I'm sure your hoomans will find time in their busy schedules to take care of you both!
So much love...to share.
Eddy is a cutie, for sure -- but we believe if it's meant to be Eddy for you, then it will be, and if not, you'll find another one of the many many dogs who need a loving family!!!
We have our paws crossed though that Eddy is the one.
Let us know!!!
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Pee ess: Tell your dad that our human brother is leaving USF to get his phD in music at the University of Georgia next semester and will be a teaching assistant there.
What a dill emma..Mommie spent a few weeks cwying because she couldn't adopt a cewtain doggie..
Eddie is a cutie, I think if you'we meant to have him it will wowk out..meantime, what could be bettew than having you Lenny.
smoochie kisses
We second what everyone is saying!! If it is meant to be it will!! Paws crossed!! Love and kisses A+A
hey lenny,
i empathize with your situation, what a dilemma. we went through the same thing when we realized that our sister woody was not happy with her new adoptive family and we wanted to take her back.
woody was one of the three dogs that were rescued and fostered by our hoomans. the original plan was to find them good homes because our hoomans could not afford to take care of three more dogs.
woody loved it here in our house, she enjoyed our company, especially Scarlet, my other sister, who is like her bestfriend. our secretary ( the female hooman) felt so guilty when she tried to put herself in woody's shoes. imagine being moved from one house to another, and there no one loves you and cares for you? and at nights, you miss your friends and you have no one to play with?
the secretary acted on her impulse and her feelings and begged the animal doctor ( the male hooman) to take woody back.she forgot about the financial problems and just vowed to cut on her personal expenses to accommodate another mouth to feed. and so far its working ( i guess her guilt outweigh her fears of not being able to provide for our needs)
i'm praying that your family will make the right decision, whatever it is, we pray that it will be for eddy's best interest, as well as yours lenny.
take care
love trudis
Hey Lenny,
I wonder what will happen. He looks sweet. We'll stay tuned to find out. Good luck.
Noah x
We are keeping our paws crossed that it all works out for you.
Simba and Jazzi xxx
Our paws are crossed for Eddy's adoption !
Kisses, Faya
hi Lenny, oh we hope that Eddy can come to live with you. this will be so exciting. we love having a lot of pups around to play with.
Wow, lucky Eddie Rocket to have TWO families who want him. He must be a very special pup, indeed! I'm sure everything will work out for him in the end, but we hope he goes home with you. :)
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Oh my, drama! I hope you get him, but it sure is a big decision so its good to take the time and be sure everybody is ready.
Hi, Lenny!
I sure hope Eddy can come home with you!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Lenny
Its furry nice to meet you :) I came across your blog through Maggie & Mitch's blog. Stop by mine sometime, I like to make new friends :)
Big licks to you
Awww, he's cute! We hope he really really becomes your little brudder!
Belly jiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh no! I hope you get your new addition! Good luck to your Mom on her exam!!
He is a good looking doggy.
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