Yesterday was a beautiful day and my people brought me to the dog park!! There was a lot of meeting and sniffing and exploring to be done.

When all of a sudden, out of the blue, appearing out of nowhere like a ROCKET...

It was Eddy Rocket! My almost-could-have-been-little-brother. His new parents (who seem very nice) had brought him to burn some energy.

My mom was happy because he seemed to remember her, after the many hours she spent walking him at the shelter when nobody else wanted him.
But I'm still her favorite, of course.

He is a great runner. We had a really good time playing race-and-chase. Usually I only like to play with the big dogs, but Eddy was okay.

I'm happy that I get to play with him, but we don't have to bring him home with us. I hope he comes back to the park a lot.

After a while, Eddy wore me out, so I started doing some grrreeeeaaat roaching.

And more sniffing.

A lot has been going on. My dad turned 210 dog years old this weekend. My mom survived her first semester of full-time work, half-time school. And my dad is going to be starting school again in the fall. They also ran a half marathon and my nana and grandpa visited. Hopefully things will slow down a little bit and I'll have a little more blogging and reading time!
Whew...you and the humans have been very busy. We know you help to keep them sane.
gussie d
Lenny, Lenny...
We were soooooooooooo glad to see the Rocket dog...he just showed up there??? That is so cool....you guys looked like you had the bestest time runnin' ever!!!!!
See you can have your cake and eat it too...you can play with him...your mom can love him buckets...and he has a fabbers forever home!!!!!!
This rocks, Lenny!!!
We're so glad for Eddie!!!!
Love ya lots, sweet boy!
Scruffy, Lac and Stan
I'm happy that you and Rocket had a great time at the park, what a nice reunio!
Happiness is written all over those faces! What a great reunion. What a great story. All captured in really great photographs!
Hey! We've got some twins of your wire stuffies! Have you seen them? Check out Fergi's birthday blog and you'll catch them there! That must've been a huge litter - some of those soft wires. We've seen them in several places!
Let us know next time you see Eddie ... we'll be hoping for more pics!
Wirey best wishes,
Jake and Fergi :)
Lenny! Woohooo!! How wicked you got to meet up with Eddie Rocket!! I can see why he's called that too. Though the photo of you rock and rolling and a fan looking on it awe at your Lenny leggedeness, heheee...it's making my belly ache with laughing. Hope you get to meet both again soon. Take more photo's!!
Wiry wags, Eric xxxx
It's gweat to see you sooo happy and wunning wif the wocket dog..what a paiw..it looks like so much fun at youw pawk!
Congwatulations to youw dad fow his ancientness, and to youw Mom fow hew pawsome achievements.
I hope I get to see you mowe often too
smoochie kisses
Hi, Lenny!
Sure you all have had interesting times!
Happy Birthday to your Dad!
Sure it was nice to see Rocket!
And all the doggies there! Looks fun!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
WOW you guys have been busy! A huge Congrats to your Mom for surviving the last semster and good luck to your Dad this fall. I'm so glad with everyone being so busy that they still have time to take your to the park. And it was totally pawsome that you met up with Eddy Rocket! I'm so happy you two had such a good time together!
Your pal,
How wonderful you got to meet you almost-gonna-be-brudder Rocket!
Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies
We love that picture of you roachin' with your new friend looking on, Lenny!
Congratulations to your mom and happy birthday to your dad! You guys sure stay busy!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
hi Lenny, it's good to hear from you.
that is so cool that you guys ran into Eddy Rocket at the dog park. i bet your mom was very happy to see him. it looks like you had a good time running and racing with him. it's too bad that he couldn't be your bruzzer, but we're glad that he got a good home. we hope you get to play with him again.
omdog how TOTALLY COOL you got to see Eddie again! I bet your Mom was so happy. Sounds like your family is super busy and congrats to your Mom on the school and work thing, must be draining!
Wow they are busy! and see?? You get to see that kid but not have to share your toys!! always workd out in the end..Love A+A
That looks like great fun.
Simba and Jazzi xx
What a fun day!!!
Sounds like a great day at the park. Eddie is looking great!
We got excited with that first picture and all those butts to sniff!
Glad you had fun playing with Eddie in the park.
Lenny, we are sooo glad you got to see Eddy Rocket! What a great surprise!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Hi Len! Long time no see. Wow, we found out your mom made friends with our Auntie. Now, we have to meet you! We are so proud of everyone who walked in the mini. We loved the photo your mom sent auntie of your family at the mini.
Hi, Lenny -
It looks like you had a lot of fun at the park. You look very athletic running.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
busy busy at your house. Glad your mom got to see Eddie again and you got to play with him.
Lenny, you look so happy there at the dog park! I love the pictures of you running with Eddy Rocket.
Hi Lenny! I'm Fred, and from reading this post, I think we have a lot in common!
1. I LOVE the dog park!
2. My Old Girl and Mr. Jason are workers/students.
3. My Old Girl and I both love to run, too!
Have a great day!
Happy 210th birthday to your Dad! (Mom actually had to think about that for a moment -- she's slow).
It was so good to see those photos of Eddie Rocket. Maybe you can schedule some play days soon. He's looking very happy. :)
Happy Tails,
William Tell
hi lenny
we have too the same type of day in the parkkk
is spring...
how are your'???
a big hug friend
Hi Lenny,
Wow.. you had fun at the park, didn't you!! We love going to the park to roach/ sniff/ run and play too...
whoa... great pictures!! sounds like life is busy in your household! take care
Hi Lenny!
How are you? I hope you and your family are all well.
I have a new blog now; please come meet my new brother if you get a chance. If you would like to link to me, can you please list me as "Sunshine and Mud Puddles"? Thanks!
Congrats to your dad on his big bday and to both of your pawrents for completing the half marathon! Were you there to cheer them on?
I am so very thrilled that you got to see EDDY!!! Your mom must have been elated! Was it a total surprise? What a coincidence!!
take care!
Hey, Lenny!
Molly and Taffy are in the running for the Awesome Blog award over at the Bone Zone and they would sure appreciate your vote!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Where are you??
I miss you!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Thanks for stopping by!!! We all miss you!! A LOT!!! But we know your family has beaucoup going on, so we understand.
Stay safe -- and creative!!!
Jake and Just Harry
I am being chosen to be one of the 5 finalists for Ike's Summer Photo Contest. Can you please go visit his blog at http://ikeslife.blogspot.com/ and vote for me?
Thank you in advance.
G'day Lenny
Those pics at the dog park are awesome.
How have you been matie. You've gone quiet on us hehe. Hope all is well.
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