I turned 11 years old this past weekend. Thank you to Kirby, Molly and Taffy, Maggie and Mitch, and Keeley and Teagan for their lovely birthday cards!
I had fun playing with all of the kids who were visiting, and I got to have a play date with my friend Rosie. But check it out - I got a 30-INCH BULLY STICK!!! YUM!!!! I have been working on it for a week. I also got a cat-shaped cookie, and a stuffed frog with a furry chest and an Elvis-style lip curl - a little weird! I think it was in the bargain bin!
Marco and Ocho the PWDs are coming tomorrow, so we are going to the park together. I am looking forward to that! And did you see that Bo Obama wrote an op-ed for the New York Times? Maybe he will join Dogs with Blogs next!!
Have a great weekend everybody!
Happy Belated Barkday Lenny!!! Wow a 30inch bully stick...what i wouldn't do for one of them!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Happy Birthday, Lenny -- Sorry we missed the exact day!
Yep, we did read the op-ed piece from Bo Obama. A lierate boy like that sure does deserve his own spot on the DWB!!
Wirey woofs -- great to hear from you!!
Jake and Just Harry
Happy Barkday Lenny. I didn't know you were quite so .... er, .... um, mature and distinguished.
see, I'm practicing
I hope you had a very nice birthday, Lenny!
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Lenny your 30 inch Bully stick sounds most yummylicious. Glad you had a good birthday.
Molly, Taffy and Monty
We think your birthday bully stick is a fabulous gift, Lenny! We just wonder how long one of those would last us?!
Have a great time tomorrow with Marco and Ocho!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Lenny -
Happy Belated Birthday!
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Can I come over and chew on the other end of that???
Hi, Lenny!
That is a pawesome birthday present!
Sure you are enjoying it with your other presents!
Have a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Birthday a little bit late, Lenny! Sounds like you had a pawsome day! How long will that bully stick last? 30 inches? 30 days? Yeah, right!
Have a eleventh year!
Jake and Fergs
I can't believe I missed youw Biwfday. I'm so sowwy I hope it was a faboolous one! That bully stick is pwetty impwessive. I hope it was as delicious and fun as it looks.
You my handsome fwiend cewtainly don't look youw age. I aways thought you wewe a youngstew.
I hope you have many many mowe!!
smoochie kisses
G'day Lenny mate
Happy birthday to you from your pals down under.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy xxxx
hi Lenny, happy belated birthday! you sure don't look a day over 5! you are such a pup.
that bully stick is making us drool. we think it will last you at least 12 more days. that's pawsome.
have fun at the park!
We are hanging our heads in shame...we can not belive we missed your birthday..our main man......so accept our belated wishes and a gazillion kisses We have NEVER seen such a big bully stick!!(we can't eat them cuz we get 'rea.......dang) Hope your day was fabulous our main man.....Love A+A
Happy Burpday Len!
You're no longer 10
As old as me
Now you'll see
Girls dig us older men!
Bussie Kissies
Happy Burpday Len!
You're no longer 10
As old as me
Now you'll see
Girls dig us older men!
Bussie Kissies
Happy Birhday Lenny. Sad I missed the day.Looks like you had a wicked time and were spoilt as you should be inclucding the frogggie. That bully stick - oh boy - never seen the likes! Enjoy the park with your pals.
Wiry wags Eric xx
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