I have been a little bit naughty so I tried not to ask for too much. :) Plus I look like a devil dog with those eyes! My mom was not Santa at the event; she got to be the "line coordinator" - boring!
I also got some sad news today. My old friend Tobie, who used to be my neighbor, is crossing the rainbow bridge today. She got bone cancer that progressed really quickly. Five years ago, she was diagnosed with salivary gland cancer, which went into remission, so I am glad she had those extra happy years with her dad and brother Stoney.

I wish I had more pictures of us together. She is on the left in both pictures.
Have you seen this video on YooToob? My mom and dad BOTH cried. It is a really nice doggie story.
I finished my DWB Christmas cards yesterday and put them in the mail! I hope you get them soon!
what a wondewful post
I'm so sowwy , that you lost youw fwiend..I get so sad whenevew any of my fwiends have to cwoss the bwidge ,but i's good to know that they awe pain fwee and I know we'll all meet again.The video made Mommi and me cwy too ..so inspiwing.Thank you!
I'm nowhewe wif my cawds..not done yet..pleez be patient wif us
smoochie kisses,ASTA
Lenny. Santa understands terrier behavior. We're sure he does. He'll bring you something on Christmas morning, we're sure.
We're sorry to read about Tobie. This has been a sad month for us. Lots of friends and friends of friends have left us. Thankfully, we believe they are romping together at the Bridge and we know that their memories will always be with us. Please send our condolences to Tobie's family. We know they are hurting. As are you.
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Lenny...good to hear from you. We are humbled and in awe of your mom, who is working, going to school, and still ready to mail her DWB cards! We have our photos taken, so that is better than this time last year, but.....
We are sorry about Tobie, we hope she remembers all of us to Miss Snickers.
Dear Lenny,
We're always so happy when we see WIRE WISE pop up!
We're sorry about your friend, Tobie -- so many of our friends and acquaintances are newbies at the bridge -- they must be sharing lots of stories.
As for that video -- what an important message for us all!!
Our cards are almost ready to mail -- and we'll be looking forward to seeing yours!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Hi Lenny,
So sorry to hear about your friend. Sending lots of puggy hugs and kisses your way. I have missed you! I have been a very inactive blogger lately.
I will show this video to my parents!
Lenny, we've missed you.
Sorry about your friend Tobie :(
~ Moymoy, Trudis, Scarlet, Jappy, Bambi and Woody ( The Animal Doctor's furry crew)
Hi, Lenny!
I am sure Santa will bring you all you want!
I am so sorry to hear about your friend.
Thanks for sharing that video... it is pawesome!
Kisses and hugs
We are so sorry that you lost your friend Tobie, Lenny.
What an awesome video! Thank you for sharing it!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
WooW.. you are a lucky dog! you've seen Santa.
Here, the three doggie wizards will came later to give us our gifts.
pd: DogXXX for Tobie's family. I'm very sorry for her, but I'm sure she is very happy now.
Dear Lenny,
We got your card in the mail today! Thanks! Your photo looks great. My mom wants to know why we don't pose nice like that.
Keeley & Teagan
PS We are sorry to hear about your friend crossing the bridge. That is very sad.
Oh Lenny...you look so very handsome in your Santa Paws pic!!
Um..well, Mumsie is stoopid and forgot to sign us up for the card exchange, but we're gonna send em out anyway whenever the old bat gets them made...I mean we do all the hard work of posing...
We're so very sorry that Tobie went to the Bridge but we're glad he had time after his cancer was diagnosed...
Kisses dear Boy!!!
Love ya lots,
Lacie, Scruffy and Stan XXOO
hi lenny friend...
the video is grate, ,tx to saw us...
whe send too the DWB cristhmas.. by mail jet..
In the card,, is Verdi too..
a big hug lenny
Hey Len - got your card. Thanks!
Bussie Kissies
PS - I been SO BAD Santa's gonna think you're a good dog in comparison.
Woof! Hi There ... I'm Sugar. What a great Santa photo.
Just checking in if you received my ecard as part of the DWB Exchange Holiday Card ... if not it is posted on my blog. Looking forward to be blog friends.
Just want to wish you and your family Happy Holidays. I just posted my last post for the year ... we are going on a holiday break. Lots of Golden Holiday Woofs, Sugar
Hi Lenny,
So sorry to hear about your friend.
We wanted to stop by and thank you for the pawsome holiday card though. We’re having lots of fun getting to know other DWB members.
Happy holidays!
Love and lots of licks,
Stella and Leader Dog Willow
hey Lenny, that's a beautiful photo of you and Santa paws. you look very handsome. we're sorry to hear about Tobie.
Happy Christmas- and hope it's a good one for you!
Interesting video story and it's a good cause and all that, but gee, that dog does not look happy on that surfboard!
puppy love from Orable for Charlie's DogBlog
We got your adorable Christmas card in the mail today, Lenny! What a great picture of you!
Thank you so very much!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Lenny
Hope you have a great Christmas. I love the picture of you with scary eyes and Santa Paws. Sorry about your pal. I'm pretty behind with my blog and didn't even sign up for cards this year! (I blame the humans)
Oh Lenny we are sorry about you pal...And PL2 saw that video and cried as well.....We think you look pawsome with the big fellow Happy holiday our dear pal!! Love A+A
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