The change came, I believe, because I am no longer VEGETARIAN!!!
My dad is one of those crazy non-meat-eaters, but my mom eats white meat (poultry and seafood). About a year ago, my dad thought it would be good for me and the planet to put me on veggie kibble. Boooooring.... But now I am back to good ol' chicken Purina. Tasty! And I eat twice a day, instead of once a day like I used to.
I should have thought of the whole throwing-up routine a long time ago! It got big results, and no pills!
I am so glad you are feeling better and that you get to eat some chicken!!!
We're so glad you feel better, Lenny! I now eat twice a day too! It's much better, don't you think?! Thanks so much for saying that you think Mitch sounds like a moose! He's really living up to his new name!
Love ya lots,
Glad you're on the mend, buddy. I eat Purina, too, but on the Turkey one. I'm allergic to chicken.
Though it never stops me from plucking one if I get a chance.
William Tell
I hope muzzer doesn't get any ideas from your dad. I get the venison and brown rice stuff, and it is yummy
I am so happy to hear that you are feeling better!
I eat lamb and rice kibbles. When my mom had to change it for chicken and rice I didn't like it and she had to put something else in my dish to cover that flavor!
Have a good night
Hi Lenny,
We are kindred souls - I've been tossing up the yellow stuff myself lately. Of course, it doesn't help that I stole a double pack of English muffins off the counter and wolfed down three before being busted. Unfortunately I grabbed some of the plastic wrap too.
Glad you're feeling better Lenny!
Your pal,
Oh we are so glad you are feeling better! Today chicken..tomorrow..STEAK!!!! Love A+A
Lenny, I'm with you man. Our people just have to suck up the whole dog meat eater thing. My mom gives me a partially raw diet, even though it makes her totally gag. I don't know what the big deal is. It's just a giant, raw, greasy turkey neck. mmmmmmmm.
Hey Lenny, so glad to hear you're feeling better pal! J1 & J2 are both vegetarians. It's sooooooo boring with the leftovers. I still eat meat though at every opportunity! J x
YO Len...Our big sis is a veg it tarian. Her kitties only get tuna and salmon...boring. Glad u got the barfies to give u some carniverous results. Ya can take the dog outta the wolf, but not the wolf outta the dog. Wow...that is so darn profound.
Mumise was beside herself...3 stuffies came that she ordered from the site u gave her. 3. Someday we'll take a pic of all the foxy stuffies she has. It's embarassing...she could collect rawhide, don't ya think.
2 of the stuffies are goin' to my litter mates for Christmas prezzies...the other guy is Mumsie's. He'll probably be on the blog soon....
Hey, are you Illini fans?????
Lenny Boy!
So stinkin' happy you're feeling better, buddy! Glad you're getting some good ol' protein back into the diet. Enjoy!
Goober love,
Hi Lenny,
Glad to hear you are feeling better. I bet that having meat back in your diet is really making you happy. I'm not so sure I could go without my meat.
How could your parents go to Chicago and not bring you? They could have dropped you at my house and we could of had a great time romping about. Let me know next time they come to Chi town, and I'll pull up another dog bed!
Your pal,
Hi Lenny. Glad to meet you too. My sisters and I eat meat and veggies. Sometimes a few apples. Meat is pretty tasty for canines like WFTs, tollers, and all american dogs!
I''m so vewy glad that you'we bettew!
I don't think we'we meant to be vegebawians..I sometimes eat some of the stuffy guts and then I thwow up no mattew what I eat, hehehe
stay jealthy my fwiend!!!
smoochie kisses
Hiya Lenny! Great to meet you and thanks for the visit.
Cool that your folks think creatively by altering your diet to see if you settle down. It may even be the twice a day feeding that stops you upchucking. Either way, it's a tasty chicken result, eh?
hairy hugs
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