I guess I am stuck with the e-collar for a few more days until my paws heal up. I've really been trying to be good, but they are so itchy and it's just too tempting to nibble on them. I even let my mom cut my nails yesterday, which I NEVER let her do. Aren't I good? Don't I deserve a break?
I did get a brief respite from the hood so I could read my first DWB holiday card! Thank you Comet and BLU! I am so excited to start receiving real cards in the mail - just for me!
(My dad is helping with some of the cards. He's not as quick as me and my mom, so I still have some cards waiting to go out...sorry guys!)
My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is: His Most Serene Highness Lord Lenox the Encompassing of Goosnargh on the Carpet Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title |
Oh man sorry about the collar. That isn't good. This getting cards is exciting I think.
Lenny -
You were our first card - We are so excited. Keep an eye out for something special coming your way from Boston!!!
Love, Dory
Bummer about the lampshade, Lenny! We're sending AireZen that it's removed super fast!
Isn't the card exchange so much fun?! We can't wait to get your card!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
That collar looks like a drag. I hope you get an early release.
We got your card! Thank you so much. You should get ours in the mail soon!
Merry Christmas!!!! Your beautiful Christmas card came in the mail yesterday. How exciting :-)
The FleasGang
Waouw the first card ! Great !
Kisses, Faya
Hey Lenny, I received my first card today too, and it was from Comet and BLU too! It's very exciting!
So sorry to see you're wearing the collar of shame. Hope it comes off soon. J x
thank your for the beautiful chrsimtas card, we rec'd it yesterday! You are the cutest, stuffed in with those stuffies!
Frankie Grrrl & Maddie the Chocolate Labbie
Lenox of Goosnargh. I like it, especially if Goosnargh has anything to do with goose poop. Sorry about that cone, but how it is for acoustics. Get your mom to play your favourite CD. It might sound awesome in there.
Hi Lenny,
Yeah, I know how nasty that cone can be -- but it will soon be gone and you'll appreciate being able to sniff stuff without bonking into everything!!
Your pal,
Just Harry
I hate that kind of collar! I got your card today in the mail! Thanks! I hope you have a wonderful holiday season :) You must be so tired from hand writing all the cards. See you soon :)
Lenny would you like to borrow the round flat collar Archie used? it has army fatigue coloring and you be The Supreme Allied Commander like he was. We have a lot of goosnargh too!!hee hee Love A+A
Hi Lenny,
Sorry you are back in the collar. I hated mine, you are such a trooper. I hope your paws feel better real fast. Don't you love getting your own Christmas cards? I bet I get more than my parents this year. He he he!!
Your pal,
Hi, Lenny
Sure you are not so happy with the head cone! Get well soon and you will get rid of it in no time!
Blue and Comet were very fast!
Have a good night
we are so excited for the cards too! we are sorry you have to wear the collar :(
Hi Lenny,
Awww man... I have the same problem! I have an allergy that never seems to go away and it makes me want to bite/ lick my paws all the time. Medication did not seem to work..
My mom seem to think that mine is a behavioural problem more than anything else cos I don't lick/ bite when I am out for walkies.. =(
I hope your infection clears up soon!
That dweaded lampshade..just pwetent you wewe at a pawty and had a little too much eggnogg and that's why you'we weawing it,heheh
I hope it comes off soon..I'm sending smoochie healing kissies fow youw feets!
You'we idea about the skating is gweat! we'll do it aftew the pawty!!
So glad you'we coming!
awen't those cawds gweat??I'm not done with mine yet...gotta huwwy
smoochie kisses
Hope your feeties get better in time to dance at Asta's pawty.
Oh Lenny, that hoody thing looks problematic. It'd always be knocking into things and just when you're about to get your teeth into something good... well, hope you get it off soon -- you deserve a break! Unless, of course like Sophie said, the acoustics are good...
Hi Lenny! Nice to meet you! We got our first card today, too! It was yours!
Thanks a million!
A thousand symapthies on the cone, man.
Hi Lenny, we got a card from you too! it's so exciting. we love that cute picture of you with all of your stuffy friends. it makes us gigle.
we're so sorry about your stupid cone-head. we hope you can get it off soon and let your paws heal. are you allergic to your food? can't you go on a special allergy free diet? or raw? anything but vegetable-alien... that's okay for humans but not dogs. you need a bully stick!
G'day Lenny,
Too bad about the Elizabethan collar matie.
Guess what we got today, a card from you!!!! Thanks ever so much. We love it.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
Hi Lenny -
So sorry to hear about the dreaded cone. We hate that thing!
Glad to hear that you received our card. To answer your question about BLU's name - it is in all capital letters because our girl is sick! She named BLU after bluetongue virus, which scientists abbreviate as BLU.
What was she thinking?
Comet and BLU (who is not a virus!)
Hello Lenny, awfully nice to meet you. Thank you for our ovely card. You are a very handsome boy!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Cassidy x
Lenny! Nice to meet you buds :) Yours was my VERY FIRST DWB card!! Whahoo... dude your 'light' trick is the best! Mama and I are doing the cards this weekend... we still have not gotten the 'perfect' photo. Sigh! Other than that your blog is really cheering me up buds!
Hi Lenny! Thanks for the card..it's the first one I got :) I'm putting up all my cards on my wall, and I'll take a photo of them sometime soon.
I hope you get to ditch the collar soon. Those things are the pits!!
Hi Lenny!
We got your card and it's so cute! Thanks so much. You look a lot like our buddy Axel (you can find his link on our page :)
Collar = not cool but glad you got a rest from it to read your card!
SOrry about the lampshade/collar deal. Hopefully, that will be coming off very soon. I'm sending healing goober smooches for your paws!
Enjoy the cards. What a cool idea!
Goober love,
We got a few x-mas cards too, we just have to buy the stamps now.
Wow I gotta try that Aristocratic title.....
Frenchie Snorts
Hi Lenny! Thank you fur R card! it was our 1st oh it made us wag our tails all day! our mommy is slow but I know it will make it before Christmas.
U look cute in your hoodie but we wonder Y mommy didn't put one on Ginger when she ripped off her claw hmmm we'll have to go ask
Love UR bloggie we'll sniff back by
Lots of Love Lick Lenny our Tx tails are waggin & were barking loud!
Lenny...nice cone...poor Guy...love the pic of u in the leaves....I hope ur mumsie framed that and put it on ur wall!!!
Hope ur paws are much better...we hate itchies.
We're workin' on our cards...had to get the outfits ready. Sigh.
Hey...Steeler game Sunday nite...interested?????
Thanks so much for the card! We had to wear collars like that once... it was humiliating!
Hi Pal. I have never had to wear the lampshade, but both my sisters have. Too bad. I hope your paws get well soon. BTW, we tagged you on our website. Answer the questions when you get a chance.
get well soon, lenny! doesn't everything sound extra loud with the lampshade? i hope it comes off soon!
I got your card today!!!!! I can't wait to listen to the CD, mommy always says she's looking for a CD to relax her and put her to sleep.
Maybe when she's asleep I can sneak some treats!!!!!
Frenchie Snorts
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