It was the Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis, which happens in a lot of different cities around the country. All of the runners tie jingle bells to their shoelaces.
I should mention that I am my mom's paw-sonal trainer. I am her running buddy and I keep her pace for her. She started jogging after I had my knee surgery, to help me with my rehab, and to help prevent my arthritis from getting too bad.
So I think it was fitting that she ran in honor of ME! The runners could wear a sign that they were running for someone that they loved with arthritis, and she picked me. Thanks Mom!
I have been receiving so many nice holiday cards! I will put a post up about them soon.
Hi Lenny, that's so nice that you got your mom to run and now she runs in honor of you. her friends are champions too, in the weight loss department! kudos to them.
we want to know about running for arthritis. Benson hurt his shoulder and the vet said that he could get arthritis in it. does he need to go running (when he is well) to prevent arthritis? can you tell us about that 'cuz mom doesn't want Benson to have that disease either.
we got your pretty holiday card. thank you very much. that sure is a cute picture of you with all of your stuffies. we had to look very carefully to see which one was you! hee hee.
Congratulations to your mom, Lenny! That's awesome!
We got your adorable Christmas card in today's mail and we just love it death! What a sweet picture of you and all thos WFT stuffies! And thank you so much for the CD! We do love classical and especially Tchaikovsky and Mozart! We can't wait to listen to it and how special to know that it's your mom playing flute and your dad conducting!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Congrats to your mom. I bet you are so so so proud of her.
Congratulations to your mom !
Kisses, Faya
Hey Lenny, congrats to your mum for completing the run! How nice that she dedicated it to you! J x
That is really wonderful that your mom could run in your name. We often attend the breast cancer walk, and we all walk for 3 of my mom's friends who are cancer survivors. We love to go and meet everyone, and we wear bandanas with our friends' names on it.
Hi Lenny,
We got your adorable card today and just love your message. We are all music lovers (and of course, as you know, our human brother, plays the trumpet and is a band director), so the CD is very special to us. We'll be listening to it later.
Our card is on the way -- Mom can be kind of slow sometimes.
In the meantime, we hope your paw is healing quickly and that fashion collar can come off. By the way, the one JH had was clear, so at least he could kind of see through it.
Lots of wirey love!!!
Your pals, Jake and Just Harry
Wow Lenny..tell your mom we are really impressed. Muzzer does not run any more. But she walks pretty good. Congratulations to you too...pawsonal trainer, huh?
Hie Lenny!!
I got your ecard! it's bootiful! I love it!
and congratoolations to mummy!
You must be real proud. :)
I'm my moms pawsonal trainer too! We love to go out running. Mom is a bit slow for me, but Dad is too fast.
I'm so glad your Mom ran for you! You are such a great dog, that it makes sense she ran for you!!
Your pal,
Hi, Lenny
Congratulations to your mom! Sure she did it great having you as inspiration!
Have a good night
Good on your mum Lenny, that's fantastic. Our pinkie wishes she could do that but she's lazy lol. Don't tell her I said that.
We got your Xmas card yesterday...woo hoo thanks so much.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy
wow, i'm impressed! 5k is a long, long way to run! congratulations, missus lenny mommy!
woofies Lenny, nice to meeteded u, and fank u sooo muchies fur the holiday wuz sooo nice of and mama iz workin on mine, she is verwy mama's nephew brad raced dis wekend too, he from iz bad to chew me feets too and me body...dey get after me wiff a squirt bottle, dey calls it tough luv...hmmm me jus calls it wet...heehee
b safe,
Your mama is SO COOL to run in honor of you. Give her some goob smooches from me for being so good to my buddy.
Congratulatory goob smooches are coming her way too for running the whole race. That's a big accomplishment for someone who is new to running. (I bet you LOVE your job as pawsonal trainer).
Goober love,
Hey Lenny, I just received your card, thank you. congrats and well done to your mom! how nice that she run in honor for you.
Amber :)
Hey Lenny, me again! I received your lovely card, photo and CD this morning. Thank you, we all like classical music here! I'm listening to the CD now and I like it very much! J x
PS Have sent you an email. J x
Congratulations to your human mom!!
I got your card...thanks you so much.
omDOG, lenny i got your card and loving your BOOOOOOOTIFUL smile! but seriously, are you sure you are not a stuffie?
thank you so much for the card!
wet wet licks
hey lenny,
i received ur card today...thank you very much...
i'll be sending out my card soon...
btw...y ms owner love running too...she did join a couple of 10k before...n i alwiz train along with her...
Wow...what an honor that your Mom ran for you!!!! That is so exciting!!! Oh, I got your Christmas card & CD!!! I LOVED IT!!! Thank you so so so so so much!!! You are a true friend!
You should be getting my card soon...I hope!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I love the idea that your Mom ran in honor of you! She must love you very much. :)
William Tell
Pawesome job!!! I've done a 5k with my human...we walked...cause the team she did it with had Great Danes...and weren't up for running...but I've gone running with her lots of times! Great accomplishment!!!
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