So my mom brought the tree to her office at work so she can be festive there, without my dad and I. Bah humbug to her!
So my dad and I walked over to her office today to check it out. And since every other doggie has been posting very nice Christmas-themed pictures sitting patiently by the tree, she tried to get one of me.
I'm not yelling in this picture - she just caught me mid-yawn, expressing my feelings on this project. I'm also half-sitting-half-lying-down because I didn't really feel like obeying either command. Look how much of my gums are showing! Don't I look fierce? Or do I just look bored? At any rate, I think I look very handsome - I just got a new haircut.
That is a very nice tree. We are still waiting to get one. Mom is afraid Louie will take all the ornaments off so they will probably all be at the top of the tree.. Isn't it fun having a wild little brother??? NOT well I guess he is ok...
Lenny...we like the tree. We think you are laughing at your mom, not yelling. And we think you are a handsome specimen of the WFT breed.
happy schmauss
That is a nice tree but maybe they should put it on the top of your kennel at home. :)
Dude you look saw a cat or squirrel in there!!!!!Could you put the tree in your crate???Love A+A
What a beautiful tree, Lenny! You look absolutely handsome, as always!
Love ya lots,
When I make that face I have a little noise that comes out, my mom said's its really cute but it's sorta embarrassing to me, I don't know when it's going to pop out.
Hmmm. We weren't aware of the card exchange until it was over, so we've missed out. You won't find much holiday-themed material at our site, either, not the human holidays, anyway.
Did you know about Taiilwaas?
That is a nice tree - too bad your mom is keeping at her work instead of sharing it with you. We thought you were laughing in the picture. Did you leave a "lump of coal" under the tree?
Comet and BLU
well it is nice you can at least go over to see the tree. I think you look very handsome in the photo.
Hi, Lenny
That tree is beautiful! You look happy in that picture!
There is no way you can have at least a small tree in your home? Just to put your presents under it!
Kisses and hugs
Lenny, we like your tree. Our mom hasn't even PUT UP OUR TREE!... She's lazy. WE have ROOM. I keep telling her. sigh... OUr mom always catches us in mid yawn or something like that. We think we look ferocious, too!
Love the haircut. You look all smooth a soft. Even though you're not too interested in that tree, I think it looks rather pretty. You have that blase bored look down pretty well.
Goober love,
That tree is looking fine but in the office? Maybe your mom could get a smaller tree so that it will fit nicely in your apartment...You look handsome after your haircut!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Be thankful you have tree with ligths. You should see the twig we have. Mummy is the Grinch.
Simba xx
Hey Lenny - we answered your question and tagged you too!
Lenny, Lenny...we have a lot in common...lotsa wire stuffies...Mumsie loves the one she got like yours! She's been collecting them for maybe 10's a little outta control...we'll take a pic of them someday and embarrass her! We LOVED your adored it!
Mumsie's first wire, Sarge I, broke his hind paw either at birth or shortly after. No one ever set the leg, so he limped all his life. (Our grandpa SAID he got him cuz he was the cheap puppy...but we know he got him as he felt sorry for him! BYW, cheap in 1962 was $30.00...his "expensive" sibs were $50.00!!!) But anyway...when Mumsie saw the way you was how Sargie always sat...relaxed!! His leg never bothered him for 13 years!
I think Lenny if there ever is a long front paw contest, you'd win and I'd come in second. I love my long legs...makes counter surfing SO much better!!!
Wiry barks...Scruffman
I gave you a golden rose award. You are my newest blogging buddy. Go check it out on my blog.
I think you look handsome, too, Lenny. And I like that new position you are in. I have to try that sometime, but my paws are not as long as yours. I'd probably pull a muscle or something.
Nice tree.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
I think you look extwemely handsome and like you'we laughing ..not fiewce at all...I think you should not have a cwate, and get a twee
smoochie kisses
Hey Lenny, what a lovely tree! Still no tree here. I don't think you look fierce, just ultra handsome! J x
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