I did receive a Caption Game award from Balboa! I won July 19 & December 15. I love his caption game every Thursday - it's a lot of fun! Thanks Balboa!

Thanks guys! You make my day too. The rules are that I am supposed to now award this to ten bloggers who make my day. I'm going to break the rules a little bit. I want to award it to a blogger from the New York Times who wrote about the healing power of dogs today.
Archie's leg is a little under the weather, so hopefully Agatha and his other foxy nurses can help him with that healing power. Feel better soon, Archie! You'll be up and running in no time!

UPDATE: I have just learned that I have been honored again! I am so flattered! Thank you, Gus, for the Best Friends Award. Thank you for being MY friend!
congratulation...i juz can't believe it...u won the caption game twice !!
Waouh you are very popular. Congratulation ! Kisses, Faya
Congratulations on your awards, Lenny! You deserve them both!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Congrads on all your awards.. Keep up the good work...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Oh wow.. you have got so many awards, Lenny!! Congrats!!
woofies Lenny, congratulashuns on ur awarwd and fur winnin dat caption game...
b safe,
Hi, Lenny!
Congratulations! You deserve all those awards!
Kisses and hugs
PS Did I tell you that my mom has been playing non stop the cd that you sent to us?? She loves it! Thanks!
Thank you so much fow youw wowds!! You absolutely desewve all those awawds and mowe..I think you should have wond the golden globes too..youw ballet pewfowmance was my favowite all yeaw!!keep dancing!
smoochie kisses
Hey Lenny, buddy! Not sure, but I think you should be in for a Kennedy Center honor for that ballet routine...absolutely marvelous!! By the way- mom still says that photo of you with the stuffed wires is still the best doggie pic she's ever seen!!!
Take care, pal!
Congrats on your awards Lenny!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Brag away, you deserve to get lots of awards.
Simba xx
Hi Lenny
Congratulations on your awards.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Hi Lenny!
Thanks for stopping by! Nice going with all the awards. I think the Times deserved it too. Real nice story about us doggies.
Congratulation on the awards!!!
Congratulations, Lenny Boy!
Goob love,
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