The good news is that the landlord finally got our apartment complex a new treadmill, and it arrived yesterday. The old one broke last fall and my mom had to keep calling them and asking them to fix it. That means - no freezing cold runs anymore!
In fact, I love this new arrangement. Mom ran four miles while I snacked on a Denta-bone. (Cheering her on the entire time, of course!)
You notice on the left that it says we went 5.54 miles. That total includes the warm-up and cool-down. She's not that fit yet! I will keep up the training. She's improving.
Lenny: You might find yourself nominated for trainer of the year. I could do that kind of exercise, but Teka would want to get on the treadmill too!
great job keeping her on task!
You're a great coach, Lenny! Keep up the good work!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Lenny you make a great trainer. You keep up the good work and mom will be in shape in no time. Hopefully just in time for all those wonderful Spring walks...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Lenny, maybe you should get on the treadmill & show your mom how to do it like a DOG! Hahaha! I don't think I can go that far, honestly. I only have a short burst of energy but after that, I'm dead exhausted.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey Lenny, looks like you're a great team! J x
Chewing on bones is a great workout. Keep those teeth in shape. And the rest of you.
is good idea to have trendmile at home...coz the raining weather prevent my owner to go out for exercise...
Good Job mom!! ;o) Lenny, just keep cheering! BOL!
Hi Lenny
This is a much better setup than having to run with your mum out in the cold and also being able to eat treats while your mum exercises.
Mum took me to the beach for a walk on my barkday but it was too hot. I just sat. I usually love walking along the beach but the weather is too hot for me at the moment. It's even hot at night time and early in the morning too.
Love from Hammer
Go Team Mom! You must be a great coach, Lenny, she's making good progress.
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