So this is Pitou, the Jack Russell terrier my mom dog-sat for a few weeks ago. Pitou's people had her spend the night at his house so he wouldn't get lonely! Hey, what about me?? They tried to introduce us but Pitou growled and barked at me. I guess he is not "fixed" - I think his attitude needs to be fixed. They are going to try to introduce us again later. My mom might be taking care of him some this summer. He has a big swanky house with a HUGE backyard, so it would be nice if I could come too.
I got a gift in the mail from my buddy Keeley - on HIS birthday! He is an Irish terrier and he was born on St. Patrick's Day. And he sent home-made cookies to celebrate! They were super-tasty and even vegetarian, like me!
Thanks so much, Keeley! That was really nice of you! Happy birthday!!
I got to eat a lot of the cookies on Easter. My humans put them inside of the plastic Easter eggs for me to find. Last year this worked fine. This year I noticed that they kept stealing the egg shells away from me after I opened them and was chewing on the treat. Obviously, they were something I was not supposed to eat, so I started trying to eat them too. Not a good idea. That ended the hunt pretty quickly.
Hi Lenny!!
SO glad you are back. Pitou looks like a nice dog, too bad he was a bit aggressive. I think your Mom should bring you over to his house, it sounds niiiice! Isn't Keeley the best? His treats were super yummy.
I went to an easter egg hunt too, but I didn't eat too many plastic egg shells, maybe I should have checked the out better. He he! Sounds like you had a nice Easter!
Your pal,
Hi, Lenny!
Pitou looks very cute. Sure I hope next time you two get along better!
Keeley is great sending you treats for his birthday!
I hope you had fun with the egg hunt, even if it ended too soon!
Kisses and hugs
Hey, I put up with a female pitou every day. sheesh. But you are lucky not to have to, and you are looking pretty fine. It is good to see you again
Hi Lenny,
Wow.. I wish I can receive treats on all my friends' barkday.. wouldn't that be wonderful?!! hehehe...
Pitou should not be sooo aggressive. You're a friendly dog so there's no reason for him to hate you...
Love licks,
Slid Gold Dancer
The dog looks so sweet and yet not so friendly. Looks like you were ready to get stuck into those treats.
Simba x
When we first clicked on your blog and saw Pitou we had to double check to make sure we had the right blog! hehehe Now we see you, Lenny!
Keeley's treats were awesome. We still have a few more before they're all gone!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
did u have a great easter day, lenny?
i hope pitou will be nice to his host...
Too bad Pitou is broken, maybe they will fix him soon and he'll feel more sociable.
We have hens here on the farm, so we get to hunt eggs all the time. I had a hard time figuring out at first how to make an egg work, but once you get them working, they're pretty yummy inside.
Happy Tails,
William Tell
Cookies are always good.
Hey Lenny,
Too bad Pitou isn't very friendly. Hopefully he'll be a bit better next time you meet up so you can go to his nice house with you mum.
Good luck.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
we used to have 2 jack russell terriers that lived across the street from us. about once a week they would get out of their house and the owners would have to chase them all over the neighborhood. they are smart but not nice like your doggy!
Hi Lenny,
Welcome back. I haven't been around much lately either. I'll try to do a better job of keeping up with you.
Lenny, I need to tell you something: You are not supposed to eat egg shells. Eating egg shells is not cool, and it is bad for our image. So please do not eat any more egg shells.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
I've met a few JRTs and this is what I've learned: THEY LIKE TO BE THE BOSS. As long as I let them be, then they're fine with me. But if I ever am rude to them or use my size to try to push them around, then they snap, bark, growl, and lunge at me. They can be so scary! On the other hand, they are great fun to hunt vermin with.
My advice to you is to give Pitou his space. Don't you go to him; wait for him to come to you. I think he'll feel better if he thinks he's running the show.
I can't beleive Pitou didn't just love you, and want to play with you, I woulda!
I'm so glad you had such a nice Eastew!!! Those tweats fwom Keeley wewe amazing and so sweet of him to send them. Thewe is a pitou -like doggie in ouw building and he wants to attack evewyone and gwowls fewociously..I hope youw Pitou gets an attitude adjustment so you can go play in that gweat backyawd
smoochie kisses
Hey Lenny, I tagged you on my blog!
Maybe you and Pitou can become friends this summer! We hope so! He looks like he would be fun to play bitey-face with!
Poppy & Penny
Hi Lenny
Maybe after a while Pitou will get friendlier. It takes me a while sometimes.
hi Lenny, we hope that Pitou will decide to make friends with you.
that's so cool that you got the special veggie cookie treats.
we are curious what kind of veggie dog food you eat. Baxter and Benson are on a special allergy diet that is veggie (Hills ZD) and now mom is looking into other kinds of allergy diets for us.
Pitou looked like a nice kid but looks can be deceiving!!! Love A+A
Hey Lenny, Pitou looks like he could be a fun pal to have! I hope he learns to like you. How could he not??? J x
Hi Lenny! That's sad about Pitou - he doesn't know what a good friend he's missing out on. I hope he'll change his mind about being friends.
- Charlie
Oooh. I don't always get along with the intact gents. I always let 'em know you don't need the bits to be ALL MAN.
It's cool that you're vegetarian like my mom. I bet you wear animal fur, though! Ahahaha! Get it!
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