My parents didn't come home until late last night, and when they did, they couldn't find me!
I was hiding in the coat closet.
I hate loud beeping noises (like cell phones) and the smoke detector had been beeping all evening, because it was low on batteries. I was terrified. I managed to get in the closet, on top of a little cabinet, and between the coats.
I was glad when they came home.

ah bless you hiding out in the wardrobe. Did you find Narnia?
Simba xx
Good choice Lenny. I'll bet those coats smelled like your mom and dad. I think you were a smart dog to find comfort from the noises. Otherwise, you might have done something to humiliate yourself and make mom and dad angry. Good work
Poor you! Thats sucky.
Hi Lenny
I hate the smoke detector too!!!
Are you bigger than the JRT ?If yes,then we tend to have a Napolean complex.I do fine with dogs my size or smaller,I dont even look twice at them but I make an effort to be a pest around bigger doggies.
Also I am all growly and angry sounding when I first meet someone and then calm down after the "who the boss is" part is established which generally means let the dogs have at it!!!
When I go crazy she puts me in my crate and I calm down!
Typically I like to know I am boss and thats a JRT trait!
Dog sitting is an adventure !!Good luck to you guys,mommy dogsits for friends and there is a corgi coming over in 2 weeks.He is a year old and is more hyper than !!!
How awful for you, Lenny! Thank goodness that you were able to hide in the coat closet and feel somewhat secure! We wouldn't like that beeping noise either!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh my poor Lenny. Hopefully was the wardrobe open...
I am glad everything is back to normal.
Kisses, Faya
Poor Lenny! I think you were very clever to hide in the closet. I'd probably just have barked the place down! J x
Aw, poor Lenny, your face says it all. I just want to kiss your little nose. Sorry you had a scary evening little guy...I also don't like loud noises and sudden moves...flying plastic bags for eg. and firecrackers!
Oh Lenny
What a horrid thing to happen all those scarey noises when you were all alone.
You difinitely went to the best place to hide away.
Molly and Taffy
I am with you, my brother. When there is loud wind or rain, you could use me as a martini shaker. I try to find the smallest darkest place possible!
woofies Lenny, me iz skeered of funderstorms too...me trwies to find a good hiding place...me will come and me and u can hide together...
b safe,
omdog I would have been hiding too, I hate that kind of stuff. I start barking when Mom's computer makes funny noises.
Hi, Lenny
Sure you look scared in that picture! Glad you found a good place to be while your mom and dad were out!
Kisses and hugs
Oh lenny how scary. I am glad they came home and fixed it.
Poor you! You look so scared! Good idea to hide in the closet there. Hope your parents gave you extra love when they got home!
My girl leaves Cartoon Network on the TV for me during the day and she's always worried about that damn emergency broadcast test signal coming on at random. I'm pretty laid back for a terrier and so it doesn't scare me or anything. It's just a little annoying that's all.
PS I tagged you on my blog! Check it!
Oh, you poor boy. There's nothing to afraid of with these noises, they do no harm. Good thing you found a good hiding place in the closet, hehe!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Lenny
I've missed you !!!
You poor thing. I know what the sound is like when the battery is low in the smoke alarm. This doesn't bother me but it upsets my brother, Hobson coz he is super sensitive. It is good your pawrents finally came home and comforted you.
Love from Hammer
Poor Lenny, what a terrifying evening you must have had. I'm glad you found a safe place.
We hate the smoke detectors too, but our cockatiel Petrie loves them. He says, "Catchy tune, a bit repetitive, I give it a 5." Then he sings along. Birdbrain.
Glad your folks made everything right again!
William Tell
Oh poor Lenny. Good thing you had access to a nice safe place!! I stay cozy in my crate when the humans are gone.
So how did the meet with the JRT go??
Oh you poor baby Lenny!! We bet you were half scared out of your hide!
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Obviously you were cold and needed something to keep you warm. What is wrong with that?
Bussie Kissies
Oh Lenny,You poor boy! You should have called us.We hate loud things also(well Agatha sometimes more than me)You picked a good place though,very clever of you. Tons of smoochies and hugs Love A+A
Poor Lenny - hope you're feeling better now. That smoke detector beep freaks me out too!
Your pal,
I bet when they fond you all of you were happy.
That's really scary, Lenny! Loud noises make us do strange things. Mom has set mouse traps in the window seat to keep Pockets out of it and last night, he got snapped by one of them. He hasn't been in the window since. Glad your pawrents came home to rescue you from the awful noise!
Poppy, Penny & Pockets
Awww...poor Lenny. Me and my sissy hate those things, too. Though she's more afraid of them. I hide under the laundry when there's t-storms, though.
ps. My ma ape just ordered one of those O'bama shirts--HA!
Hi Lenny
Hope you and your pawrents are having a good weekend.
We're getting bathed tomorrow .. yuck !!!
Love from Hammer
phew! relieve to hear that it was juz low battery...
is the closet comfy with all the clothes?
did u watch Narnia: The Wardrobe (something like that)... the kids went in the clost, and then when they exit, they found themselve in another world.!!
Awwww Lenny, you poor little thing. Thank goodness you took to the wardrobe. That's a good safe place to hide.
Hope you feel better now.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Lenny...ya probably thought it was a jet plane backin' up into your house...no wonder u hid in the closet? Um...did you find Narnia??? Just curious!
Hey...I just saw that post of the wire at the table...ya better come to our blog...I've taken it a step further...
I am glad you were able to find a good hiding spot. It is nice to see your Daddy rescued you.
ahh, dog gone it, lenny, that just really stinks, doesn't it? at least you found a closet to hide in...
Lenny! You must have been so scared. Did you get a haircut recently? You are looking quite dapper.
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