Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I got to go to a barbecue at the park with the people. It was a get-together for their orchestra here in town and it was great. There was all sorts of food that fell on the ground, and people snuck me food too. One guy showed everyone how to make ice cream in a ziploc baggie with sugar, milk, salt, and vanilla. As you can see, I was paying very close attention to the instructions, but I was not given my own ziploc baggie, unfortunately.

The orchestra gave my dad a nice card to wish him good luck on his trip to Spain. The card had lots of great dogs on it, including a handsome fox terrier!

The biggest excitement was that there was a cute girl doggie there named Gracie. Does she look familiar at all? Anyone she resembles? It turns out she is a CORGADOR just like our buddy Wally. But she was not very nice! She growled at me. How rude. Apparently this corgador does not share Wally's refinement and exquisite manners - he is still one of a kind!


Duke said...

A recipe for ice cream in a ziplock bag, Lenny? You absolutely MUST post it! We will check back every 5 minutes to see if you did, okay?!
Wait till Wally sees this pretty girl! Maybe she was grumpy because she didn't get any ice cream?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

wally said...

Whoa! She's gorge. Though if she's not nice I might take some of that ice cream in a bag.


ps. I'm not always nice, either. I like to be large and in charge.

wally said...

PPS. Lenny--you're always welcome to link, borrow photos, whatever. I only have the link restriction thing because commercial sites were using my content/linking me. But you're a totally cool dude so link away, bud!

Murphey said...

I'm hungry just lookinga the that grill, I love barbeque.


Asta said...

Congwatulations to youw Dad fow his twip..Do you get to go to Spain too???
That looks like a fun event.
Thanks fow the good wishes fow Daddi..I'm so happy he's home and on the mend
Thewe is no one like Wally!
smoochie kisses

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Lenny, Mmmmmm BBQ! J x

Agatha and Archie said...

Whoa,barbeque,ice cream in a bag...and a Wally want to be(even thought she is the same breed there is only one Wally) Love A+A

Peanut said...

Oh what a nice day except for that mean corgador.