Monday, June 16, 2008

Paw-Limpics events, and my friends

Great news! More event ideas. Please also feel free to submit photos for the categories of:

At Work (whatever kind of "work" you want!)
Being a nuisance

I have started to receive entries and I am so excited! Don't forget the deadline to email me your entries is July 31st. Also, please email me if you would like to put the Paw-Limpics button on your blog and need the code. Opy and Charlie's dad was nice enough to make that for us!

We have 33 dogs signed up for the bone relay before the Olympics, from all over the world. Let me know if you also want to be a part of it!

I got some bad news. My two best friends are moving away on Friday. Tobey (Chow/Lab mix) and Stonewall (Lab, aka "Stoney") are leaving my neighborhood because their dad got a job all the way in North Carolina. They're not the kind of buddies I chase and bark with; they're more the type of friends that you can just hang out together and chew rawhide. I see them almost every day. Their dad has walked me and taken care of me many times, and vice-versa.

(Sorry about the blurry pictures. We were over at their apartment and it was really dark, and my mom only had her cell phone! Stoney is above and Tobey is below by the couch.)

Tobey is one tough cookie. She was diagnosed with salivary gland cancer over 2 years ago, and the vet thought she would cross the Rainbow Bridge shortly. But here we are - and she is better than ever! It has not progressed, and she is not uncomfortable or sick at all.

They are both the strong silent type, like me, and a little camera-shy. Once I was hanging out at their place and their dad was kind of creeped out, because I was just staring at him and kind of wobbling back and forth. He thought I was sick. It turns out I had just eaten a bunch of their dog food from the kibble bag, and I had engorged myself. I had "Basketball Belly."

Ah, sweet memories. I think I am going to miss them, and their tasty kibble, a lot.


Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Lenny...sorry ta hear that yer friends are movin' so far away. While things can never be as happy fer ya after they are gone...becuz of the Internet...ya can sure keep up with they're doin'....who woulda thought we could see 'n talk ta doggies, kitties 'n hampsters that are a world away from us by lookin' at our puter screens...'n gettin' our peepers ta help us type too.....have a good week...'n hope yer all safe with drier weather....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Duke said...

What a bummer that your friends are moving away, Lenny! That's going to be hard for you! Maybe new doggies will move in and you can be friends with them? We hope so!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Princess Patches said...

We're sorry your pals are moving away. Maybe some new doggies will move in and you will have some new friends.

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Oh Dog - kibble distension! We gotta get you in the kibble eating competition at the Pawlympics!

Bussie Kissies

Charlie Daniels said...

I hope some new doggies move in and you can be friends with them too.



Agatha and Archie said...

Don't be sad Lenny,you will meet new pals.....Sign us up for the badge! You can send it to our email adress on the blog! Archie has been REALLY training(We are just not sure for what) Love A+A

Lorenza said...

Hi, Lenny!
I know you are going to miss your friends! I hope you can keep touch with them!
Kisses and hugs

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Lenny, sorry to hear that your pals are moving away. Ah, the joys of overstuffed kibble-belly! We'll have you in the Substantial Wires Club yet! Hehehe! JX

Eric said...

Lenny, thas sad your pals moving away. Those sort of pals are kind of hard to replace...

Wags, Eric x