Saturday, July 12, 2008

Paw-Limpic Games Updates

Thank you SO MUCH to my friend Girasol for this fantastic promotional video for the Paw-Limpic Games!

(¡Muchas gracias a mi amiga Girasol por hacer este vídeo promocional fantástico por los juegos de las Pata-Olimpiadas!)
- Did I bark that right, Girasol?

I just want to remind everyone that the photo entries are due July 31st, so you still have a few weeks left. Please email your photos to: Pawlimpics (at) gmail (dot) com. I am getting so excited!

Here is the list of all of the events for the Games:

High Jump
Track (Running)
Ball (any kind of ball game)
Making a mess
Begging face
At Work
Being a nuisance
Sticking tongue out/Panting

If you have any more suggestions for events, please feel free to submit them and your photo for that event. When you submit photos, please also remember to send me your blog address!

There have been a few questions about teams and individual entries. If you live with other dogs, you may each enter your own photo entry for an event, and you may also submit a group photo for the event.

Also, my mom is helping get ready for the World Bone Relay. Everyone who participates will have their picture on the blog, carrying the bone through their area of the world. You do not need to submit a photo for this - my mom is trying to take care of that. Just let us know if you would like to sign up, and what area of the world you live in. Right now, I think this is everyone who has said that they want to carry the bone:

Agatha & Archie
Asta (NYC)
Brandy and the gang
The Bumpass Hounds
Butchy & Snickers
Charlie Daniels
Gus (WFT)
Gus and Louie
Jake & Just Harry
Maggie & Mitch
Molly & Taffy
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy
Ruby Bleu
Sam, Zorra & Katie
Scruffy, Lacie & Stanley
Simba (Manchester Terrier)

If I have left you off the list and you already told me you wanted to participate, I am sorry! I am trying to stay organized. Please let me know if you are not on the Bone Relay list and you want to be. (Just leave a comment or email me!)

Keep on training and see you soon at the 2008 Games of the DWB Paw-Limpics!


Putter said...

Hi Lenny! Hi!

I hopest that you get a BETA too! Let me know okayest ever! :)


Putter ...:)

Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Lenny

I've been training lots and lots and lots for the sleeping event.



Yogui said...

I want participate on the World Bone Relay... I live in a little city, Oviedo, of the "Principado de Asturias" (Sapin)... I like the Pawlimpics games!!!. The promotional video from Girasol is ¡Estupendo!

Gus said...

Lenny...we would like to participate in the Bone Relay, if you need someone in our area.

thank you
gussie and Teka

Kirby said...


Happy 10th Birthday! I hope you birthday is absolutely wonderful and filled with all your favorite treats! Have a great day!!

Your pal,

Pee esss,
If Mom can get her act together, she will mail your b-day package on Monday. She has been so pokey lately! Happy Birthday!

Duke said...

We love that video! It's getting us super psyched for the Games!
Happy birthday, Lenny!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie said...

LENNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cool promo...but more importantly.......
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY!!!!!!! Love and a million kisses A+A

Clover said...

Yay! I am so excited for the pawlimpics! Great video!
In case you need to know for the bone relay, I live in Ottawa, Canada. :)
Love Clover xo

the many Bs said...

hi Lenny, that was a fantastic promo video. it is really getting us in the mood. we're gonna have to get some more entries to you right away.

we think we want to be on the bone list. our lame mom doesn't know how to photoshop, but if your mom is doing all that, then we're good. it sounds like fun.


Georgeous said...

Oh I am sOooo excited!
Hope your Mum and Dad are okay helping you with all this organising etc. We are all friendly woofers if you need help with any planning, making rosette's etc. Of course, I'm sure we'll all get a lick of the bone..
Love 'n' Stuff

Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday Lenny!!!!
I hope you are having a great weekend celebrating!
I sent you by email my pawlimpic pictures!
Kisses and hugs

Girasol said...

Happy Birhdat/Feliz Cumpleaños Lenny... Have a wonderful day with your family and happy anniversary to your parents too.

erin said...

Happy Birthday, Lenny! Your preparations for the Pawlimpics look fantastic. I'm still in training. My girl is trying to get just the right photo.

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Lenny, that was a great video by Girasol! I would also like to participate in the World Bone Relay, if that's OK. Thanks pal! J x

Unknown said...

hi Lenny..

Happy birthday friennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddddd

tomorrow we will send you a photo to the olimpic...

we feel so exiting...
a big hug

wally said...

We would like to be in the bone relay! And we will have to get some entries together. Yeesh is my ma ape lazy and slow!

Girasol's video is the coolest!

wally t.

Eduardo said...

Hi My name is Eduardo, I'm a snuggle puggle I added you to my page, I hope you don't mind please visit my blog!
Hugs & Snugs,
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Toffee said...

Great video!!

Looking forward to the games!

Oooh! And I loved your name in sparklies in the previous blog post!


Woof Lenny

Desert pups here and we're interested in signing up for the paw-limpics. What do we need to do? There are four of us.

Woof, woof,
Scuba, Keiko, Norman and Toby from Life Inside The Fence

Yuki n Joyce said...

Happy belated barkday!! btw i live in sunny Malaysia, in the state of Selangor=)


Jemma Chihuahua said...

Happy Barkday!

Jake of Florida said...

Drat!!! We told Mom that your barkday was coming up and she said -- I know, I know, we have plenty of time. Well, see what happened? It's come and gone -- and here we are with fur on our faces.

So pal, Happy Barkday, a bit late.

We haven't decided which contests to enter -- but we are certainly looking forward to carrying the bone here in South Florida. If you need any advice on a typical photo, just let us know.

Jake and Just Harry

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...

HI to the Birthday Boy,

Many health more!!

Great video!

Please add me on the Bone relay, and going to send some entries!

Luna- tic

i said...

Happy belated birthday, Lenny!

Oh boy, I haven't been training much at all. Better buck up now!

Can't wait for the bone relay to start!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Lenny, thanks for letting me know the photos arrived safely! Can't wait! Jx

Biggie-Z said...

Happy Barkday Lenny! Can't wait for the bone relay! Do you need me to take it from New York to Vermont? Or the other way around? Or both? Cuz I can do it, I am just slow because I will only run the first 1/2 mile and then walk it the rest of the way. What's the hurry anyway?

Barks on your barkday,



Putter said...

Hi Lenny!

Thank you for your nicest ever message! I am doing okay - still stiff and tired!


Putter ...

Eric said...

Lenny, you deserve a golder than gold medal for pawganising this Paw Limpics!! I'm in training and working on my photos for you.

Wiry wags pal, Eric x

Toffee said...

I gave you an award...come see...

Chef said...

Pawlympics! First I heard of it. Sounds so great. Yes, yes!! I would love to be part of the Bone Relay.. I live in Canada. Hope I'm not too late.



Cairo The Boxer said...

I would love to carry the bone!

I was also wondering if you got my photos and videos for the games?

Noah the Airedale said...

This is going to be better than the human olympics. We sent our pics in last week. We hope you got them ok. Let me know if there's a problem.

Noah xx

Noah the Airedale said...

Us again Lenny. Happy belated barkday matie.

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

andrahyb said...

We wanna participate in Gymnastics!
Wonder if we qualify?

Do check out our blog!

Rudolf & Goofy

Simba and Jazzi said...

Please count me in for the boating.

Simba x

Eduardo said...

I wanna be in the Paw-Limpic games & carry the bone! I leave in Augusta, Georgia. Every time I go outside I train for the sticking your tounge out/ panting event!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Gucci said...


Is it too late to get in on carrying the bone?

The Zoo Crew said...

We'd love to pawticipate!! We're in NM :)

Willow and crew

Unknown said...

We want on the list :)
Its the Dogs Life

I have been working on my dogs pawlympic skills and training them extremely hard. I cant wait to win gold... wink

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Can we help carry the bone? We are from New England. Hershey is from Connecticut and Kaci is from New Hampshire.

Have a good weekend.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci