I have a few very special people I would also like to thank.
First, thank you to our esteemed judges, G and R! They are a little camera-shy and they didn't want me to post their picture on here. Also, they wanted to remain anonymous. (But if you click here, my mom did a post on her own blog a long time ago with their picture on it. Scroll about halfway down - they're both wearing red. Hee hee!) :) Thank you also to my dad, who served as preliminary judge and tie-breaker during the judging.
Thank you so much to Girasol, who made the beautiful medals, and the Pawlimpics promotional video!
Thank you so much to Verdi and Gaucho, who shared their beautiful pictures of the opening and closing ceremonies, and made the beautiful torch to pass!
Thank you so much to Asta, Molly, and Taffy, who awarded me my very own medal. What an honor!
Thank you so much to Charlie and Opy and their wonderful people for putting all the information about the Pawlimpics on the Dogs With Blogs website, and for making the PAWESOME Pawlimpics button for everyone to put on their blog!
Thank you to everyone who bought Pawlimpics merchandise from the Cafe Press site. We are sending a nice check to help the Search Dogs Foundation, thanks to you! (The search dogs have been working hard helping with the hurricanes!)
Thank you to all of the wonderful athletes and bone carriers!

And thank you to everyone who voted for the Pawlimpics Bone Relay as Post of the Month! What a great honor - I was so happy!
Who do you think won the most medals during the Games? I will soon reveal that. There were a lot of very impressive dogs! Congratulations to all of the medalists and award winners, and to all of the pawesome athletes!
I really hope I am not forgetting anybody. I really enjoyed meeting new dogs around the world and learning how talented all of my friends are! I hope you all had as much fun as I did!
We are sad to see it end but we want to thank you for making it happen
It was a pawesome event Lenny and thanks again for organising it. It was huge and we had so much fun.
As for the winner of the most medals.....hmmm does that honour go to Pacco??
It was a superb event - I for one enjoyed it immensely.
Pats & pets
Thank YOU Lenny (and your Mom) for making it happen. I can't wait for the next paw-limpics!!! I better start training!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Thank you Lenny!! The pawlimpics were SO much fun. I really enjoyed participating and seeing how talented all our friends are. :)
Love Clover xo
Thank you so much Lenny ! My dreams were full of medals and funny events....kisses for you and your humans, Faya
I will nevew fowget ouw fiwst Pawlimpics!!!
It was exciting, and fun and I was soo happy to be able to be pawt of it. Thank you Lenny and youw Paents and the esteemed judges fow making it all possible!! You cewtainly desewved you gold medal and mowe..congwatulations on the Post of the momf!!!
Ouw fwiends have mowe talent than anyone would imagine
smoochie thankful kisses
hey Lenny, that pawlimpics was so totally PAWSOME and we think that the biggest THANK YOU of all goes to YOU & YOUR MOM! thank you friends, you did a terrific job. that was so much fun. it was pawtastic!
Many Thanks to you for the marvellous "paw-limpics games". (sorry if i bark it bad, you know i bark better in spanish)
Lenny, you and your humans did a wonderful job putting on the first ever Pawlimpic Games. It looks like it was a lot of work and you did a fantastic job!
We've never had so much fun, Lenny! You and your mom put so much into this and we thank you so very, very much!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You and your Human did the very best job ever! This was so much fun and we LOVED it. You guys deserve a nice break AND a Gold Medal for all the work you did!!!
Hi, Lenny!
Thanks to you and your mom for your pawesome work!
We all enjoyed the Pawlimpics!
Kisses and hugs
Woofy, Lenny!
The games are over and most of the "other hound beings" in our house Heaven are still are it. What morons.
Anyway, thanks pawsome and drooly fondness for making it happen and giving us wagging joys and sloppy kisses.
I may sound like a sore loser in my barkings but in drooly truthtiness (yes, there is a word in my barktionary) I really had FUN!
I am dreaming wild dreams for the next one. Keep us posted!!
Simply put:
Mom and I had the best time participating in and readin about the Pawlimpics. Once again thank you for organizing. I loved being a part of it!!!!
Your pal,
PS - I agree with Noah, I think Pacco won the most medals. He's amazing!
Thank You so much Lenny and your mom^^Paw-limpics became the good memory for us.
An amazing event Lenny. Thank you so much for organising it.
It will surely be the talk of the Dog world for many years to come....well until the next one!!!!!!!!
Molly and Taffy
Great job, well done.
Simba x
Thanks Lenny & Mum!
I know how much effort you put into organising such a fantastic event. It was so much fun and everything you did is greatly appreciated.
So how long do I hold on to the Bone from the Relay for! ;-)
Dearest pal, IT WAS THE MOST FUN EVER!!! WE are going to start working for the next one in 4 years...You and your peeps did a fabulous job!! Tnakyou thankyou!! Love and kisses A+A
And thank you for making the Pawlympics happen! You did an amazing job, Lenny!
It was one of the best events ever. Thank you to everybody -- canine and human -- who participated!!!
Jake and Just Harry
We are also sad to see the end has come. You did a wonderful job!! Thank you for organizing this and thanks to the people you thanked, too. You all did a great job! Great job to all the athletes!!
we will see the next pawlimpics in 4 yrs time...
This was so much fun to watch! Thanks for putting it together and thanks to everyone who helped you! YEA! I plan to enter events in the next Pawlimpics!
it was a grate event and you work on it was perfect..congratulations...
send you all our love..
pd: we must preparing jet for the next ..
Lenny, the Pawlimpics was awesome!!! and it was so much fun to meet so many new doggy friends.
Pacco, my heroine, won the most medals (but I didn't do too badly myself)!
P.S. I'm meeting a kitten tonight! yeah!
The Pawlimpics were totally pawsome! You and your humans did a great job! I'm sure it took a lot of dedication too. It was terrific, my girl and my grandma were checking in on the events every day. Great job!
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