We used to live in a crummy little 'student' apartment. We lived there for four years. We were only supposed to live there two years, but my humans got stuck in Indiana after my dad graduated from grad school.
Everything went wrong with the old apartment. The landlords pulled a switcheroo when we moved in and we got no dishwasher. (They installed one eventually.) There was a pile of dirt - literally - in the closet, and some sketchy items that I won't describe sitting around in the apartment. I got fleas. And that was just the first weekend. The closet flooded and never stopped dripping. The neighbors upstairs had a fire, filling our apartment with smoke and making everything smell bad. And the washer and dryer were in the basement, which was constantly flooded and moldy and infested with large insects. Plus you had to go outside and down some slippery steps to get to it. I was too scared to venture down there.
But it was cheap and only a mile away from school. My people kept being hopeful that a big opportunity would come along and that we would be moving away before too long. Just one more year. Just one more year. But we couldn't take it anymore. So now we live in a nice apartment, for however long we will stay in Indiana. My people got OK jobs, so for the moment there is nothing else better out there.
The new place has a big kitchen, so I have more room to maneuver and scavenge for dropped things while my dad is cooking. There are two bathrooms, which is convenient if I am thirsty and away from my water bowl - they both have large white drinking bowls. There is a big long hallway that I get to do laps in (go Lenny go!) for exercise. And, I have kind of a backyard. We have a little patio which leads out on to the grass and to the woods. It's really nice and there are a ton of great roaching spots. I think my people are a lot happier there too.
Now if they would just finish unpacking!
In other news, stay tuned on Friday for a big Paw-Limpics announcement and award!
Congratumalations, Lenny! My Dad says he sympathizes with you on the "student" apartment and waiting forever for very little to happen. It'll all turn out great! Everyone's got to put in their time... *sigh*
Pawesome job on the Pawlympics!
Gee Lenny,
Glad a have a new spot ta call home....but I wouldn't be drinkin' outta those white china bowls fer sure.....maybe ya can help with the unpackin'...that's never a nice job...even worse than the packin' is....enjoy yer new place....
Dewey Dewster here....
I wish the unpacking would end at my house, too. I can't believe you were able to still do the pawlympics and move all at the same time. Mom says you're amazing!
Congratulations on your new abode Lenny. It sounds sooo much better than the other place. We hope you are very happy there.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Congratulations on your new home, Lenny! The unpacking part and the setting up to get it exactly the way you want it is always so hard! Do you have your own bedroom?
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
HEY NOW! We are "stuck" in Indiana and loves loves loves it! There are tons of parks and fun stuff for us. Do you live near Indianapolis? We are going to a super fun event on the 20th and would invite you if you did!!!!!
oh sounds like a much nicer place to live. Those water bowls in the bathroom are great aren't they?
G'day Lenny
How did you have time to conduct the Paw-Limpics and move all at the same time? You are amazing :-)
Hey does that mean there is lots of cardboard boxes you can attack at your place! ;-)
Since we also moved recently, I am in total awe of you and your mom doing the Pawlimpics in the midst of that chaos! Must be because your mom is much younger than muzzer. Yeah, that is it.
Tell you hoomans that mine speak with affection about Married Student Housing at U.Minn. where the apartments were built in quonset huts from the second WW. See, I told you they were OLD,.
Hi, Lenny!
A new place to live! Congratulations!
Sounds like the old apartment had lots of problems! Glad you all are happy now!
Kisses and hugs
That's gweat news!!
Soounds like youw new place is tewwific..I love a big kitchen(ouws is miniscoole and we will nevew move till they thwow us out, I heawd), the long hall and the roaching oppowtunity all sound faboolous
I hope all of you will be happy thewe!
smoochie kisses
how exciting!! It must be nice to have space to spread out and no water coming from the ceiling!!!!
your new home sounds great
hey Congrats Lenny on your new digs! that sounds like a wonderful new home. it's terrific that you even have a yard of sorts and a good hallway for running. we might have to come to visit you to check it out.
What a great news this is! Oooh, can;t wait to see pictures of your big kitchen. Hope the move goes well & smoothly!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wishing you lots of happiness in your new home.
Simba x
Congrats! :) And I love moving. I hate the moving process, but I love being in a new place and getting all settled.
You look cute in that box. Are you trying to airemail yourself to a girlio? Hehehe.
I've never moved!! Mom says I will be moving next April...to a place with a nice yard, so I'm pawesomely okay with that!
I'm still bummed that Mom dropped the ball on my pawlympics entries this year. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Now I hafta wait two years aka foreverrrrrr. :[
Ohh wells. It's almost TGIF, YAAAAY!!@#$@#! :D
Fleas!!!! Ewww... But, we are glad you've found a nice place to live in. We hope you'll settle down soon.
BTW, I've just given you an award in my blog.
We're happy you've found new digs!!! As for those big white bowls -- we have them too, but they always seem to have a cover on them!!!
My human brother and his wife -- he is the interim athletic band director at USF in Tampa (and plays the trumpet) -- live in an apartment kind of like what you describe, so we understand.
xxx Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
(We keep watching for those bandanananas...)
Yea Lenny! I'm glad you got to move to a nice new apartment with 2 big white drinking bowls just for you!
Hey Pal...
Gald you have a better place to run around! That is always good.
You did an outstanding job on the Pawlympics! what a FEAT.
Your new house sounds lovely. Hope you're all settled in by now.
I just moved too! Only we went smaller..not bigger. Happy un-packing!!
Your old apartment sounds like a disaster! Your new place sounds like a much better deal. I hope you like it!
COngratulations on your new house dude, if you need help destroying any of those boxes, let me know, hee hee
Frenchie SNorts
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