I didn't dress up for Halloween this year, so this is an old picture of me. I liked it because it reminded me of my favorite candidate.
This morning my dad took me to the early-voting poll place. He and my mom already voted back in October. But there was a HUGE line that wrapped around the block outside. He took me around to practice being a therapy dog of sorts - letting the bored and stressed people pet me. :) They liked it a lot! (How could they not?) Tomorrow there are going to be musicians serenading people in the long lines here in town. Maybe if you have a minute tomorrow you could go be a patriotic polling place petting pooch! Just remember to be non-pawtisan.
Yay, Lenny! We'll be watching you Ohioans tomorrow!
OHIOAN sounds like a nice howl, doesn't it?
Gotta get the humans to vote!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Mom is so happy that she voted early. She waited in line for over two hours early last week, it's been so crazy here in Chicago. Mom is even getting out of work early tomorrow cuz they are trying to clear out the downtown area to prepare for the big Obama Rally! This is all so exciting!! Your parents must be so excited. I saw that Indiana is still listed as a swing state, so let's hope it swings Obama's way! Woo hoo!!!!
Your pal,
Hey Lenny! I was SuperLola last year too...
Mom is getting up at the crack of dawn to miss the crowds. Rock the vote, dude!
such good advice..I'll twy to go by to let the bowed hoomans have some fun
We awe cewtainly voting..did you see the Obama punkin on my bloggie?
way cool
smoochie kisses
pee ess you make a faboolous supewdog
Lenny....WeeeOOOH. what a great idea. I will see if muzzer will take me down to the poll for a bit tomorrow. Between car trips to take people to vote, because she says I can't go along cause some people are allergic to dogs. I said. "NOT to WFTerriers !"
But she is being hard nosed.
You look great in your superman costume, Lenny! I bet you wish you really could fly! Think how handy it could come in!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Guess what!! We have the same blog!!!!!!! Keep your paws crossed! Love A+A
Hi, Lenny!
Tomorrow will be an interesting day to you all!
Have fun
Kisses and hugs Super Lenny!
Paws crossed for the correct result eh Lenny! ;-)
Vote Vote. We voted. That was a very nice thing you did letting those people pet you.
Hope Obama wins!!
great pics! It is looking pretty darn good for Obama!
We did it Lenny--and you turned your state blue! I have no doubt it was your therapy dog work!
My ma ape thought that you had a great idea so yesterday she took me to Pawsylvania to visit people standing in line and we gave them donuts and then they gave me donuts! Thanks for the idea.
wally t.
What a cool idea. We would have loved to be petted by people standing in line!!
But, hey, it's today -- and we can say Florida AND Indiana (not to mention Ohio and Pennsylvania and Virginia and Iowa) -- how sweet is that!!!
We know you did so much for this campaign -- so well-deserved cheers all around!!!!
Jake and Just Harry
what's new today?
mom is back and we have a new elected president!!!! woo hoo!
Hi Lenny! Hope you are doing well there! Congrats to your new president!
The ladt shouted WE WON OHIO so loud on Tuesday night, and it made me think of you!
Hey Lenny, we're delighted with the result! J x
Yay! The big "O" won!!!!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Lenny
What great pictures-- you and Obama. My humans voted early too. So many people voted early that there weren't long lines! And we had lots more places to vote.
Glad it's over--
Hey Lenny, what happened to you, are you still celebratin'?? Hope all is well!
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