In honor of the people Olympics in August, I will be hosting our own DWB games to promote global peace and friendship.
The Paw-Limpics will be a photo contest, and you may enter as many events as you would like. The way to enter is to email your picture of you participating in the event to pawlimpics (at) gmail (dot) com. Teams are allowed for events as well.
The events:
Aquatics - swimming, diving
High Jump
Track (running)
Synchronized swimming or other activity
Any kind of ball game
Pee Mail
Making a mess

You are invited to create your own event as well to propose to the Paw-Limpics Committee. When events are added, they will be announced on the blog.
The rules:
1. No doping.
2. There will be separate categories for original photographs, and photographs that have had some human/computer editing and assistance (i.e. Photoshop)
3. You must indicate which event you are entering when you submit your picture.
4. You are allowed to participate in multiple events, but please send only one entry per event. You may submit one photo to several different events if it fits into the category.
5. Everyone from Dogs With Blogs is invited! And photos taken of you a long time ago are allowed.
6. Please send submissions and any questions to pawlimpics (at) gmail (dot) com.
7. The deadline for submissions is July 31st. Winners will be announced during the human Olympic games, which begin on August 8th.
8. If your photo wins, it will be featured on my blog.
9. Be creative!
There will be a Paw-Limpics Bone (instead of a torch) Relay around the world in preparation for the Games. Please let me know if you are interested in being a part of the relay.
The Olympics motto is "Citius, Altius, Fortius." The Paw-Limpics translation is Louder, Furrier, Droolier.
I can't wait to see your submissions!
Oh Lenny..what a marvelous Idea. If I can figure out where I will be at the time, I would like to participate in the torch relay.
I'll have to work with Teka on the wrestling event.
PAWESOME!! I CAN'T wait to enter!!
ooh yeah, I'd love to carry the bone!!!
w00f's lenny, how did me git so far bhind in u bloggy...1)s glad u iz back to bloggin...2) me lovesss BBq and last hmmm me will has to think of me enteries on dat contest..
b safe,
OHMYDOGNESS, what a great idea! I'd better start working on my entry! J x
That sounds pawesome!!!!
Oh my, this is gonna be GRRRReat! I'm gonna get some photos out and send them to you right NOW! I'm so excited about this! Thanks for coming up with this wonderful idea!
What a great idea, Lenny! Mitch and I need to start training ASAP! We'll participate in the torch relay!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Lenny!
I will send you my pictures!
Kisses and hugs
OMD Lenny this is the bestest idea EVER!!! I'll have to think about which events I want to enter!!!
Oh and I would be honored to represent the Sacramento/Central Valley of California in the torch relay if that slot is not already taken!
Oh I'm just so excited...
Lots of Licks, Ruby
P(ee)S: If we will be doing an opening ceremony, know that Aire Ruby is available!
G'day Lenny
What a fantastic idea! I would be honoured to represent Newcastle Australia in the torch relay.
Now, I had better get into some training ... it will be hard work winning the sleeping event I think ... I must train, train, train ...
This seems like a great plan Lenny!! I hope to be able to enter the games! If you need someone for the relay in Minnesota I'd be happy to volunteer.
Lenny, what a top idea. We can't wait to see all the entries.
Now we just have to figure out what we're good at....hmmmm.
Oh we'd love to be part of the bone relay. We could carry it through the Blue Mountains just like in 2000 when the torch relay went past our house.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
This is a pawsome idea..can I cawwy the towch thwough pawt of NYC?
I'm going to go pwactice and see what I can entew thewe a kissy event??
smoochie kisses
OH MY GOSH! This sounds sooo fun, what a great idea! I wanna wanna wanna participate! Hey, is dancing included too?
Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer
This is soooooo awesomely COOL!
We would definately very much wanna participate! How do we go about?
Rudolf & Goofy
Hi Lenny! This is so fun! Let's see if I can start training asap! I'd like to participate in the torch relay too!
Too perfect! I have been training hard in the roaching division but we have also been doing some fine rasslin. Is there speed eating? Because I would smoke everyone.
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I came here from Ruby's bloggy and am glad I did because I think I can totally win the sleeping event! I can't wait for mom to get home to help me with my entry.
I am so in!!!! Mommy will be done with work in June, so I know she will be willing and ready to focus ALL of her attention on me!!!!!!
I can't wait to compete in the sleeing games.
Frenchei Snorts
I might want to enter Pearly for this!
Woohooo what a great idea ! If the torch will travel trough Europe I will participate in Switzerland relay....kisses, Faya
PS : thank you so much for the organisation of those games !!!!
What about barking? That's what we do best!!! Have you thought about a barking competition?????
Anyway, we think this is a very cool idea and we will be choosing what events to enter in.
And we think the BONE RELAY should definitely pass through South Florida, so we hope you will consider us for that honor.
Jake and Just Harry
This is a great idea, Lenny! We can't wait to participate!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Hi Lenny,
My mom says she needs a faster camera to catch me in action but says she will try!
love & wags,
oh this is very cool. we are extreme olympians, so we're gonna enter everything! hee hee. just tonight, Brody did a super fantastic jump. we're gonna post it on our blog very soon cuz we just can't believe he was totally flying through the air like a curly coated seagull or something. it was pawsome.
good excellent idea. you're the smart one, that's for sure.
I would love to get the code fow the pawlimpics's such a gweat needs to be advewtised
love and smoochie kisses
hi Lenny
how was your father in the music competition in Barcelona???
I hope, he was the winner...
Lenny the paw olimpic idea is grate... and so funny.
We will think what category is the best to us.. but I know that Verdi in sleeping... sure...
jjjjjj we put your link in our blog... to our friend know this..
send you a big hug..
sorry to our english, we bark in spanish :P
Hi Lenny!
I came over here from Lorenza's blog to check out the pawlimpics! it sounds like a lot of fun. I'd like to join and I'd be honored to carry the bone in the east Texas area, Palestine to be exact!
Thank you for thinking of this fun thing to do!
Don't go to mom's place to find me, go here:
Wow Lenny what a splendid idea....I shall have ta get my secretary busy looking for pictures of us doin' paw-lympic stuff....I'm sure we can find a few good ones....yur super pawfect
Dewey Dewster here.....
I have a paw-fect picture to submit!!
How did the dogsitting the Jack Russell go?We dog sat a Corgi who was the sweetets ever but we had a houseful of long hair and he tried running away one day!
PS:Mommy wants to know how your moms running is going?She has a race in July and she has just started back on the running and is quite panicky!
Hey Lenny, pawsome idea pal, high fives to you!
I would be very honoured to carry the bone in London UK in the relay . . .
Wags Eric
OMD, so excited to meet you Lenny! Our Daddy went to IU and loves that area. We are SO excited about the paw-limpics... we will totally enter! DUH! Thanks for being our new Indiana friend!
I would love to pawticipate in the Floribbean dog-leg of the pawlimpic bone relay!
Bussie Kissies
Great idea. Let me put on my thinking cap and see what I can come up with...
Happy Tails,
William Tell
I think my legses awe longew like youws now that my haiw is showt..maybe we'we twins?
smoochie kisses
Hi Lenny!
can't wait for the Pawlimpics! & I'd love to represent Southern California in the carrying of the bone!
You can pee mail me at or just visit my bloggy!
Love & Licks,
Randi about "longest tongue hanging outta the mouth" as a catagory?
Wow what a great idea! Dogs need their own Olympics too -- we're all athletes in some way.
Sign me up! I'm on my way to the gym now --
Hi lenny
YOu know that, We have spoken about your idea in our blog, for the friends who do not speak english. And one of our Spanish colleagues asks if the Olimpic Games is alone for the dogs or also for cats??? Already you know that many of us we live with colleagues through cats. That I answer him??
have a grate week end
Hi Lenny, my name is Pearl and I would love to join the relay, I live in Jew Jersey, I am still thinking about whoich event I will participate in I am not sure if I am agile enough.
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
Hi Lenny, my name is Pearl and I would love to join the relay, I live in New Jersey, I am still thinking about which event I will participate in I am not sure if I am agile enough.
Hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
what a pawsome idea!!
I would very much like to be involved in the torch relay!
Hi Lenny! Nice to meet you - I am sniffing on over from Ruby's bloggy. This is such a super cool idea!!
If you still need someone to carry the torchbone in southern Texas - I would be honored to be your man!!
Wow! I best get off the sofa, out of the slumber zone and get training.
Luv 'n' slobber
PS - I'd like to help carry the bone through the UK.
Brilliant Lenny...pawsitively brillant....
We're so ready...
Can't even imagine how much fun this is gonna be....
Barkin' at ya!!!
Pee Ess...if ya still need help with the bone relay, let us know...we can run really fast!!!!!
Lenny - are you OK out there? We hope you're not getting flooded out!
- Charlie
What fun it will be to see all the photos! You are great for sponsoring this event.
Levi's mom
This is an awesome idea. We would be willing to carry the torch through Texas with Ruby. We are more in central Texas.. Mom is checking out her pictures...
Big sloppy kisses
Gus and Louie
Hi Lenny,
I started my blog ( ) recently and joined the DWB last week. I heard the bonevine yesterday. I sniffed around your blog and found this contest idea pawlickingly delicious!
I am in it and I would love to carry the Pawlimpics bone in India.
Licks n Wags,
Oh Lenny, this is a FAB idea! I will have to work out with my trainer to decide on which event is my best..
did u juz said HIGH JUMP!
Hi there Lenny!
My name is Clover - it's nice to meet you!
What a great idea - pawlimpics! I am definitely going to enter. I'd love to carry the bone in the relay too!
Love Clover xo
Hi! Awe you pwacticing youw high jumps and wunning fow the pawlimpics??don't do too much in the heat!!
Maybe you'we wealated to me..Butchy and snickews awe, and so is Scwuffy..I'd love to be youw welative
smoochie kisses
oo oo oo! Count me in for Bone Relay (NYC or Vermont) and more! Yes!!
My mama will email you right away.
Hi,Lenny!I think every day about comment when I won the championship.
HI Lenny
We would love to participate in the Pawlimpics.
Water sport events would be my (Taffy) forte.
We will get into training and email you our photos.
The Bone Relay sounds excellent, please could you put our names down for that too!
Thank you for coming by our blog.
Molly and Taffy
Hey Lenny, This is excellent. I am definitely entering the swimming. Is there a deadline?
Awesomely pawsome! I'd like to participate in the Bone relay please:)
What a grantablous idea!!! We will all participate here. We'll participate in the torch event!
What a fabulous idea. I reckon we'd be in with a chance in the 'making a mess' event. I'll get Penny practising.
Just got in. Woof! Please let the torch pass the Philippines and I will be holding it!!! The houndsinheaven will compete in sleeping, peeing, messing around . . . wait, singing and barking included?
Hey Lenny,
Found your blog through my friend Stella, and I'm totally into doing the Paw-limpics! However, my blog was rejected by DWB cause I say bad words sometimes. Can I enter the Paw-limpics anyway?
Murphy Dogg
We got 8 dogs and 3 cats but that cats don't want to do a bone relay, they say they'll do a fish relay but no bones. Us other 8 dogs will help do the bone relay but don't count on the bone being available for relay once Shiloh gets a hold of it.
Homer J. - Jubal - JEB - Shelby - Jack - Abby - Max - Shiloph -Alex - Boru - Jenny = The Bumpass Hounds
Great idea, Lenny! I'm going to compete in multiple events: soccer, frisbee and keep away!
Awesome! Count us in. We have aquatics and jumping pics in mind to enter.
Hi Lenny, we are so excited about the Paw-limpics. We will make sure to send in some pictures of Amy for the various events. Awesome idea!
WOW - what a great idea!!! And no one would have to go to pollution Beijing, hahahahahahahah!
BUT - it says "paw-limpics" but seems to be just for dogs????
We have paws too, you know!
Can cats enter???
This should be fun, can't wait.
Simba x
Hey Lenny, how's the bone relay going? (if you need anyone to chew the bone here in Sydney, please remember me!) I can't wait to see all of the entries - this is more exciting that those silly human games!!!
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