I am a very lucky and thankful dog today.
Over the weekend I got attacked by an aggressive dog. He tried to eat me!
You can see where his jaws were around my neck.

It was really scary, but it could have been a lot worse and I feel very lucky to be okay. Just a couple of little holes.
Plus I got to go to a vet who gushed about how handsome and amazing I look for my "mature and distinguished" (thanks Gus!) 11 years.

It happened very quickly or else I'm sure I could have scared him away first. :)
I'm a tough guy and I'm feeling pretty good, but I'm milking this for all it's worth - treats, a nice cozy spot on the people bed, and lots of belly rubs.
I can't wear my collar for a little while but I should be fine in about a week.
Oh Lenny...
Thank doggness you are OK!!! Definitely milk this...whatever it takes, you deserve it!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Oh Lenny! We bet that was a hoooge doggie. Otherwise, you know, a Terrier Rules, because we are such artful fighters. Or, um....well, it might have been one about Teka's size, cause I know how tough she is.
We hope you heal quickly, and watch out for that bad doggie.
Oh, Lenny -- Looking at where those holes are, this dude had a really big mouth.
Were you scared?
Was your mom or dad with you?
How did you escape from those jaws?
We're so glad you're OK.
And yes, you are quite the distinguished looking wire!!
Jake and Just Harry
That's awful. I hope your neck is all better soon. Must have been a giant doggie. I think you deserve LOTS of treats and belly rubs. AAAWWWW
OMG, Lenny! Thank doG you're okay! For Heaven's sake - you're a senior! Doesn't this whippersnapper have any respect for his elders! grrrrrrrrrrrr
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Glad you are OK! So scary!
w00fs, me sorry Lenny u meeted up wiff a bad doggy...me n u cooda tooked that dog..he wooda been the one wiff holes in his neck..
b safe,
Oh boy...he fainted..dead away.....LENNY we are so glad you are ok..we know you just got caught off guard because we know you never would have let any body do that to you.....(wft thing you know)Oh dear oh dear....Well we are glad it wasn't worse becasue then we would have come right over and gotten that kid..we still could if you want us too, let us know( Arch is up now, he said it was the shock of it all) Love A+A
Oh my doggie, Lenny! Look how far apart those tooth holes are! Those were some huge jaws! We are so glad you are alright! We hate to even imagine the circumstances. It makes our Moma feel sick to her tummy even thinking about it.
Take good care of those wounds. Follow the doctor's orders. We hope the orders include lots of extra pats and hugs, scritches and loves. A few extra treats would be a good thing, too.
We're thinking about you, hoping you recover quickly. We hope that other dog learned a lesson. What he did was WRONG!
Jake and Fergi
I am so sorry that dog attacked you!
Glad to know you are ok!
Please, take care!
Kisses and hugs
Oh my goodness Lenny!!!!!!!! He got you for sure! Glad you scared him off. That happened to me (Sophie) a while ago on MY BARKDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my, that doggy was a real meanie! I am glad you are fine.
Please come over to my blog & vote for the short film I acted in called FLASHES!!!! Thank you!
"Famous" Solid Gold Actress
Oh no! I was very scared, really this dog was a very dangerous for all of us... But I'm happy you're fine.
Ok, a lot of caresses.
OH NO, poor Lenny! I'm so relived that you are OK, but what a horrible dog to do that to you. I say you milk this one for all that it is worth. Get all kinds of extra treats and TLC. Rest up and I hope you ouchies are better real soon!
Your pal,
OH MY DOG! Where were you when this happened? Was it at the dog park? Yikes! Was your mom just like freaking out? I know mine would have been. Geez, I'm really glad you're okay! That dog must have been a monster! Wow, scary! I hope you heal fast and get extra belly rubs and treats.
Oh Lenny, what a mean dog. Made me go all cold just looking at those teethie marks. Thank dog you are ok. And still looking so debonair and handsome. Hope you are all healed and ok by now?
Wiry loves and kisses, Eric xxxxx
So sorry about your mishap, Lenny. What was that dog thinking, anyway? Hope those wounds heal up soon, but you're right, milk it for all it's worth while you can. Take care!
Happy Tails,
William Tell
OMD OMD OMD...oh Lenny...what the heck happened...were you in the park...oh my...I'm gonna come and sink my Lakeland fangs into that jerky dog, attackin' my sweet boy...do ya need a nurse?? Oh my....your mom and dad musta flipped...Oh Lenny...Lacie pauses to gasp for breath...
And we missed ur barkday...we feel horrible...that mean dog bitin' ya wasn't a good pressie...
Please let us know that ur ok...
Love ya buckets...
Lacie and Stan and Scruffy too!!
Geez Lenny.....sure hope yer OK now.....it wasn't a Lab was it???? We always thought Labs were calm gentle dogs but it seems lots of wires are gettin' attacked by 'em anymore....
Hope the belly rubs 'n ear scratches helped heal the wounds....be careful now, ya hear????
Dewey Dewster here.....
OMG Lenny. this is very scary. we can't believe that a mean do attacked you and you have injuries! poor kiddo. we wish we were there to give you some poodle kisses & lovin' to make you feel better. just milk it and make your peeps give you lots of treats and sympathy. and get better fast too!!!!!!
We're happy the attack wasn't more serious. How are you doing now? Are you ok?
Hey Lenny: are you OK?
We hope you are feeling much better by now, Lenny! We're sorry we missed your birthday, but we see that it was very happy. Woohoo for the ginormous bully stick!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Oh my dog! I fell so far behind on blogging and just came to visit you. Oh, poor Lenny! I am glad you are ok. I'm sure that dog had to do a sneak attack and not fight fair because no one messes with a terrier! I really hope you are doing ok. Those bites are nasty.
wally t.
OMG! Thankfully you are ok! How very scary for your pawents too! If I would have been there I would have attacked the other dog back for picking on you. I am so thankful you are okay.
Lenny, we hope you are all better and that you are all healed up - physically and emotionally - from your mean dog attack. Same thing goes for your people.
We miss you!
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Hey, Lenny...we stopped by to see how you were doing!! Give us an update so we know how you are doing, 'kay???
Love ya lots...
Lenny. It's in our nature. We're starting to get worried. We hope you are doing okay! Drop by sometime, someone and update us. OK? Please?
Jake and Fergi xxoo
so I know this was like eons ago...I hope you are all healed and better now.
Lenny sweetie, could you give a barkout and let us know your ok??? We've been a bit worried 'bout ya boy, since the last time ya posted you were almost a snackie for some mean doggie...now we saw your comment on someone's bloggie that you were ok and really busy, but we've been a little worried and miss ur sweet foxiness...
Kisses from all of us...
Scruffy, Lacie and Stanny
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