Monday, September 20, 2010

Pet Partners!

I've gotta tell my mom CONGRATULATIONS! She and I have been going to therapy dog classes for almost a year now. This weekend, she completed her human coursework side of things. She even got a nice little certificate! Now we just have to take the evaluation test together to become a registered Pet Partners team through the Delta Society. Our local branch is called VIPaws. One hurdle is that we are waiting for the Delta Society to make a ruling on whether my bald legs are acceptable or not - no leg warmers allowed when visiting!

And congratulations to my dad too! He was in the paper (Herald Times) yesterday. It was not his favorite picture, but Mom and I thought he looked pretty darn cute.

He always looks like he's having a great time when he conducts. His orchestra has a big season coming up.

Mom has also transported some more great dogs - including a fox terrier again! She got asked to transport an alligator named Elvis but declined the opportunity. I'll put information about Barnaby, the WFT, up tomorrow. He needs a good home!


Duke said...

Congratulations on being a therapy dog, Lenny! That's wonderful!
We love that picture of your dad. He looks like he's holding back a laugh. Did someone in the ochestra tell him a joke?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lenny said...

Thanks M & M! I'm not QUITE a therapy dog yet, but well on my way!

A lot of people in the orchestra tell jokes, but my dad tells the most of all, and usually laughs at himself. : )

My parents are coming out to see my sister and cousins this weekend, but not in Connecticut.

Gus said...

Lenny we are so proud of you and your mom. And we know that the Delta folks are smart enough to OK you and your bald legs. And if that isn't the case, then tell Teka and she will bite them for you!


Lorenza said...

Congratulations, Lenny!
I am sure you and your mom will make a pawesome team work!
Great picture of your Dad!
Kisses and hugs

Anonymous said...

That's actually a great picture of Dad. There's not a lot of people who can really cut loose and be themselves when there's a cam,era pointed at them, but he seems to have it down.
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dog beds and more

World of Animals, Inc said...

Congratulations Lenny on becoming a therapy dog. We just love the photo of your dad. He is having such a fun time. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals