Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Transported animals

My mom has been having a lot of fun meeting new dogs and taking them from the shelter to new foster homes.


This is Falcor (named after the Luck Dragon in "The Neverending Story"), who got the new name "Cory." He was at our local shelter and is now being fostered by Indianapolis Great Pyrenees Rescue. Do you think he looks like the original Falcor?

Cory is SO BIG that my mom couldn't fit him in her little car - her friend lent her car and helped drive him to Indianapolis. You can read all about Cory on Petfinder - I hope he finds a new home soon!


Mom's next transport was an Australian Shepherd named Shiloh. He was another big boy and traveled in a crate, so another one of my mom's friends helped her drive him. Poor Shiloh has heartworm and is being treated in foster care, and he got the new name "Babaloo!" You can read more about him at the New Spirit 4 Aussie Rescue website.


Check out this sweet little guy!

Of course, Mom prefers to transport wire fox terriers whenever she can, and a couple weeks ago she got to drive BARNABY! Isn't he adorable? He loved riding "shotgun" and watching the world go by. His nose prints are still on the window of our car - they need to clean that up so I can leave mine!

Another picture of Barnaby, in which I think he resembles Yours Truly. Very handsome, of course.

Barnaby has TWO websites - on Petfinder, and on the website for Wire Fox Terrier Rescue Midwest. There are plenty of WFTs that need homes too! How about Barnaby?


Asta said...

Youw Mom is pawsome to help those bootiful fuwwkids on theiw way to fuwwevew homes. They'we all gowgeous, but I too love wiwy kids best(cannot tell a lie, hehehehe)
And you awe cewtainly the standawd fow compawison
smoochie kisses

Duke said...

Bless your mom for helping out those doggies, Lenny. We hope they all are going to wonderful forever homes!
What a cutie Barnaby is!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

TwoSpecialWires said...

Stories like this make us happy. Now we're going to go to bed with sweet dreams. Dreams of furever homes. (Thanks to your moma for helping to make that possible.)

Love and wirey wags
Jake and Fergi xxoo

Gus said...

Thank you to your mom for doing the driving and to you for sharing her. Barnaby is almost as cute as you and I, so he will find a furever home soon.


William Tell said...

Your Mom is great to be helping homeless dogs. And is that the Barnaby Bones I've been reading about on Facebook? Glad you were able to help him out!

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Jake of Florida said...

What a good thing your mom is doing!!! We have to admit our prejudices, because all dogs are beautiful and deserving of kind furever homes -- but Barnaby captured our hearts. As one (actually two) wires to another -- we know you understand!

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Princess Patches said...

Oh my doGness! We want all of them! That is most pawsome that your mom is helping the furkids to get to their new homes!

Penny & Patches

Agatha and Archie said...

Darling boy we have been so behind.. Your other is wonderfull to that.Pl2 said she never could becasue then we would have 4000 dogs in the house.. We think that would be awesome. Love A+A

Princess Patches said...

Lenny, we hope your tummy troubles are all better! We're sending lots of healing Aire-zen and crossing our paws for you!

Penny & Patches

TwoSpecialWires said...

Lenny. We're back.

OK. We're gonna admit. Straightaway. No bones about it. We're taking the easy peasy way out. We want to get around to EVERYONE on our blog roll to remind you about the Second Annual Worldwide Moment coming up on Sunday 14 Nov 10. Were you there last year? Do you remember? Or are you new to it this year? Wondering what that Countdown Clock is on blogs that you visit? Whatever. We want you and everyone you know to have a chance to participate in the Silent Minute, the Candle Lighting and the Shout Out! Come visit. We've got a new banner for you, HTML for an (accurate, now that the word UNTIL is in red) Countdown Clock and a link to figure out what time 11:00 PM GMT is in your neck of the woods.

So. You're getting this 'cause we've been friends in the blogging world and we want you to know.

Please forgive the "stock" comment, but we told Moma we've never done this before and we'll not do it again (at least until next year.)

Loads of wirey love and lots of encouragment to join in (and to pass the word)
Jake and Fergi (and OurMoma and OurCollegeGirl)

Asta said...

I know you and youw pawents must be vewy busy
but I didn't want to miss wishing you a Vewy Happy Adoption day!!!
I'm so glad you found youw pawents..I love you and misss you
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

That is quite a resemblance. Falvor always weirded me out when I was a kid watching that movie -- if he was a dragon, why didn't he look even vaguely reptilian?
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dog beds and more

LailaSmith01 said...

I can't imagine if FALCOR looks like the real FALCOR of the movie "The Never-ending Story", anyway he is cute...I love you post actually I enjoy reading it...^_^

dog pens

Asta said...

My Heawt is Bwoken
You will always stay in my heawt and I hope to see you again someday ovew the bwidge.
You will always be one of my vewy bestest fwiends..kiss all the fwiends who have gone befowe you fow me
adieu my sweet fwiend
all my love

Jans Funny Farm said...

We were sad to read Asta's news today. We know you are sad Lenny has left for the bridge and we send purrs and tail wags for those left behind who miss him.