Monday, June 25, 2007

Dog News

Congratulations to the new "World's Ugliest Dog," Elwood! He is a Chinese-crested/Chihuahua mix. If you have to be ugly, you might as well win prizes for it! I am happy for Elwood.

In other dog news, I think my mom has found her new calling in life. We've all heard of a dog walker, but how about a dog RUNNER!? The New York Times had an article about this growing profession. Right now my mom and I can only run about 3 miles, so we'll have to get our endurance up. I love running with my mom! When she starts putting her running shoes on, I know where we're going, so I stretch and get a drink from my water bowl. She is trying to train for a half-marathon in the fall. A few months ago, she couldn't even run a half mile, but I have been a good trainer.

Maggie asked to see a video of me saying cheese. I don't have a video, so I hope this picture is alright. This was me on Christmas Day - one happy, comfy dog!


Ume said...

hi Lenny,
i can juz imagine u went "cheeeeese!" in dat pic!

Gus said...

Yay Mom! Yay Lenny! Go for the half marathon and good luck to both of you. (how could she run without her trainer, right?

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Lenny,
Poor Elwood, he is rather strange looking. I expect his owner loves him, regardless of his looks.
I'm very impressed with your running (and your cheesy grin!)

J x

Romeo said...

Hey Lenny,
What a fun site you have. I'm going to be adding you to my friends links. Hope to read more interesting posts from you soon.


Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Lenny,

My mum runs too! When she was training for a marathon, she took me on 18 km of her 30 km run and dropped me off at homce cause she thought I would be tired, but I wasn't! Her previous dog Caesar always started stretching when he saw mum put on her running shoes. Good luck with the race & thanks for signing my guest book!

xxx Asta down under

Duke said...

What a cute photo! I can just see you saying "cheezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" to the camera! hehehehe

Love ya lots,

Asta said...

I'm in awe Lenny, that's super that you're helping twain your Mommi can't wun anymore(her knees, her hips..etcmostly falling apart fwom age hehheheh)
I looove that picture of your happy sy cheese smile
also I want to thank you for putting your pix in my guestbook
smoochie kisses

Balboa said...


What a great smile. Oh Poor Elwood, but I bet he is loved so much by his family.

I'm gonna add you to my cool dogs list.

Frenchie SNorts