My buddies
Agatha and Archie are cooking up in Boston, and it's pretty hot and humid here in Indiana too. The big scary thunderstorms have started happening at night, and it's been too hot to go running with my mom right after she comes home from work.
Oliver's family is coming tomorrow to visit, so it should be a fun weekend! My dad is conducting an outdoor pops concert on Sunday, so we are all going - even me.
That grass looks so comfortable and I bet there's lots of juicy bugs hiding in there just waiting to be eaten.
Frenchie Snorts
Hey Lenny, sounds like you're going to have a great weekend. It's raining here in the UK AGAIN! J1 even had the heating on yesterday. Can you send us over a little sunshine? J x
You like to smile an say cheese a lot, huh Lenny?! You're sure cute!
Love ya lots,
Hi Lenny,
If only you could visit us! We have sunshine and grass all year round!
Thanks for dropping by our blog. Come by again soon!
Wiry Cheers,
Mango and Party
Hey Lenny: Have a great time at the concert and hold up the pride of the wires! That means no barking except in places where your dad says it is appropriate. Also, be prepared for lots of petting. Have a great time
Lenny,Have your pack leaders take you swimming!!(or you can just stand in it like Archie does) Stay cool!! Agatha and ARchie
Hi Lenny
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
Enjoy the concert
I'm so jealous. Your summer is waaay better than ours so far. We've had rain and more rain. Oh, and clouds!!!
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