I'm sorry friends - my mom has been constantly hogging the computer and I have not been able to finish telling you all about my trip. She has been all stressed out and really scatter-brained. But she just found out that she got a new job, so I think she is really happy about that. She is still working in the same school - even the same building - but she will get more money to pay for my cookies and vet bills. Maybe I will be allowed to come with her to her new office!

I just want to leave you with a few more pictures from my fun trip. We had a lot of fun that week and I want to go back soon. (But not swimming!!)

WOW, congratulations to your mom!!!WOOOOHOOOO! hey more money for food and treats is always good.
I'm glad you had a good time, but make sure mommy stops hogging YOUR computer. hee hee
Frenchie Snorts
Hey pal, congrats to your mum on her new job! More cookies eh? Sounds good to me. J x
Lenny,Tell your Mom congrats!! Your pictures are lovely(from your trip!!) Love Archie + Agatha
yeaaaaaaa we're so happy for your mom! Your pictures are just lovely. I love the starry sky one! Just gorgeous!
Love ya lots,
wow! is must b really relaxing enjoying d breeze out there...
couldn't wait for more pic...
Yeah, ev ery morning when my Mom deserts me, she pats me on the head, tells me she loves me but has to go to work to make money for my kibble. Like what, I don't know she really wants to buy a new pair of shoes?
Bussie Kissies
dear lenny,
congratoolations on mommy's new job! please show us some photos if you do go to her new office with her; i've never been in a real office!
That's great news about your Mom's job. Does this mean you get more squeakies, too?
William Tell
G'day Lenny,
Your pictures look bootiful. Congrats to your mum - cookies are vewy important.
xxx Asta down under
Hi Lenny..I just got back..it's going to take ages to post all my stuff, but I wanted to say HIand congwatulations to your Mom
smoochie kisses
pee ess your vacation pictuwes look like it was a bootiful place and you had a funnest time
Hhi Lenny
where are you I miss you
smoochie kisses
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