Below is a picture of me with my stuffed buddy Ike, who is from these two books. They have really fun pictures in both books, and my mom gave them to her nephews (but kept a copy of each one for me).
My mom wants to recommend "Animals In Translation" by Temple Grandin. She just read this while we were on vacation. She also wants to recommend "Surviving Your Dog's Adolescence" by Carol Benjamin and "The Audacity of Hope" by Barack Obama. (Don't worry - I won't let her talk about politics on MY blog - not until I get to vote!!
Happy birthday today to the Lovely Snickers Lamb! I hope you get a pretty new outfit for your big day. I also want to thank Butchy and Snickers for nominating my blog for an award! Wow! Thanks guys! YOU rock!

Hey pal, I haven't read those Mark Teague books yet, will have to get J1 on the case! J x
ooooooooooooooh! The LaRue books look awesome! More choices to look for at the library!
Love ya lots,
My mommy's a reading teacher and she LOVES those books, there her favorites!!!
Frenchie Snorts
the Mark Teague books look like they make fun reading! the more pix the merrier!
Hi Lenny,
I love those pictuwes, I'm going to get Mommi to get me those Ike books, they look gweat(my Mommi wead your Mommi's picks aweady,heheheh)
You look swoony handsome in that photo with your fwiend Ike
I'm panting sewiously while looking at you
smoochie kisses
Hey pal, yes we have seen the "Dumb Witness" film. Is it the one with David Suchet as Poirot? Bob, the WFT, has very scruffy hair, but obviously steals the show! J x
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