I knew something was going on when my dad took my house and put it in the car. ROAD TRIP! I don't mind riding in the car much. I used to be terrified of the windshield wipers, but I'm a tough dude and I got over it.
My humans were not happy with me, though. I farted (pardon my French) the whole way out to Maine - through six states! - and I kept stinking up the car. It's their own fault, though. They had tried to keep me occupied while they were packing the night before by giving me a rawhide treat. My little vegetarian tummy was not used such deliciousness!
And I thought more deliciousness was in store when we pulled up to a drive-though window!!! That means FRENCH FRIES!!!

However, to my dismay, it was a window without French fries. It was a place called Dunkin Donuts and my mom was very happy to be there, because we don't have these places where we live. She had a Coffee Coolatta drink, my dad had a donut, and I got NOTHING!
(On the way home, we went to another window like this one, where a very nice lady had a box of VEGGIE COOKIES for dogs! She gave me two! Still no French fries though.)

Your back seat looks loaded to the gills Lenny! What do you mean no dunkin donuts for you! Not even a smidge? Mom says Lenox is God's country. She's only been there once but instantly fell in love!
Lenny..You were so close!!!!!!! I think you were right to stink up the car! No Dunkin Donits!!!!! Hmmpphh! We are glad you came to Massachewsetts!! It is a fun place to be!! A+A
gweat twip except for the no fwench fwies pawt...and nooo donuts either..are they twying to stawve you??you're in such gweat shape , you cewtainly don't need to diet.
I like musicians a lot..I play the piano..did you ever see me do it on my blog??
Hope your tumtum is better
sleep tight
smoochie kisses
dear lenny, eeek, can't believe the parents gave you the big fat hole in the donut and no french fries! were the cookies any nice though?
Maybe they're saving the french fries for later??? I'll keep my paws crossed for you! J x
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